Where am I

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I wake up to my body being in pain. I sit up as fast as possible wanting to know where I am.

The walls are striped with roses and the floor is tile. There's a mirror on the wall next to a huge metal door.


No one responded. One of the walls was a one sided mirror. I could tell by the way it looked and the different texture.

"Where am I!?"

Still no answer.

"I know you're there!"

Nothing but silence. Then a loud beeping and screeching noise. I looked around to find the source.

The door was slowly opening. In came a man who was 5'8 walking in. His hair was dark brown and fluffy.

They were wearing a doctor mask. I looked at him and something started to happen.

My body was changing, my hair became brown and fluffy. I became shorter than before.

"What's happening?" I whispered. 

The man started taking notes. He looked at me and then in the mirror.

"A perfect replica!" The man muttered.

I was terrified. "What am I!"

"You are someone special. Too special to lose." The man muttered the last part.

"Oh! By the way, my name is George."

"My name is… is? I don't know my name."

"Your name is Thomas Simons." He said with a smile.

He handed me a picture of what he said was myself. I looked at it and then my body changed.

I had blond hair with blue eyes. I was tall and skinny, but it was healthy skinny.

"George. Where am I?"

"You are in a place that helps special people like you."

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