A Little Chunk of the Past

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Notes: listen to the music if wanted.


"What do you mean people like me!?"

But it was too late to question, George was already out of the room.

I sat in my room for what felt like forever. I was bored and most of all, lonely. All I could hear was the sound of my breathing, thoughts, and the loud sound of silence.

I was startled back to reality when a voice on the intercom said, "okay, listen up! We will let everyone out of their rooms for 10 minutes then you will head back in!"

With that the door opened. I got up and walked to the door. Someone ran up to me and put a blindfold on me so I wouldn't see anyone. 

"Hey! Who's there!" I yelled.

"It's just me, George."

"Why'd you blindfold me!?"

"So you wouldn't shift into someone else out there."

George grabbed my arm and led me to the area where people were. It was too loud to know how many there were.

From what I got there was at least 35 people. George let go of my arm and left.

I could hear people walking over to me.

"Hello, are you new here?" 

"Um, who's there?" I mutter.

"Oh, can you see?"

" Yeah, but I can't take this off or I might shift."

"Oh well then I'm Tubbo! Nice to meet you!"

"Hey, I've got a question."

"Ask away!"

"What is this place?"

"This place is for people who are too different from society, they're dangerous."

"Why are you here, if it's not too personal."

"I'm half goat and can make a nuke in 2 minutes."

"I can hear someone else next to you."

"Oh, I'm Ranboo." The other person muttered.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm half endearment and half something else. I don't know yet."

"Why are you here and what's your name?" Tubbo asked.

"My name is Tommy and I think I'm a shape shifter? I just woke up here today so I'm trying to get a hold of the situation."

"Wait. You don't remember anything from before you came here?"


"I thought I was the only one with memory problems."

"Guess not."

The intercom went on again. "Everyone back to your rooms. The 10 minutes are over!" 

Someone grabbed my hand and kneaded me back to my room. It was a long awkward walk.

Once back in my room, I yanked off the blindfold and looked in the mirror. It was weird ro know I could look like anything.

I just sat on the floor until I heard the door start to open.

I saw the same fluffy brown haired man walk into my room with food.

The food looked like mush made from meat, veggies, and milk.

"Sorry if it's disgusting. Everyone gets something different."

I took the food and tried a bite. Luckily it wasn't as bad as it looked.


○ 3rd person ○


George was running toward a man with blond hair tied into a small ponytail. His eyes were bright neon green.

He has a scar on his face the shape of a smiley face. 

"We need to get Project 727 a new blindfold."

"Why would we do that?'

"So he can walk around without someone helping. It just needs to be enough; it's blurry but still seeable."

"Fine~! They will get the new one tomorrow."


I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up to a beeping and screeching noise meaning someone was coming in.

I get up and see George. He had something in his hands.

"Hey Tommy! We got a new blindfold so you don't have to be led by someone. Try it out."

I put the blindfold on. Everything looked fuzzy and blurred but I was able to make out big details like height, color, and where things were.

"George. Why do you watch me?"

"I knew you before you came here. We were best friends, but soon you started getting out of control and I knew this place could help."

"Then why don't I remember?"

"They had to do stuff so you would adapt to the surrounding area and not make you lose sanity."

"So they make me forget my past? And think that will help!?"

"Don't know what to tell you Tommy.'


"It was your nickname."

"Can you call me that? I like the sound of it."

"Sure! Wait! I gotta go or I'll get in trouble!"

With that he left. The silence was too loud to handle. I started panicking.

Sorry if it was cringe.😫😣😖

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