Chapter 3 Apple Pie and Purrs

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No one pov:

(y/n) and the girls got to the lab. (y/n) was curious on all of this stuff. He looked around a bit but didn't touch anything. Loremaster was a bit surprised that he didn't.

Loremaster: I'm a bit surprised you haven't touch anything yet

(y/n): I... kept being told not to touch things... From my old owners.

Loremaster: I do appreciate you not touching my equipment, but you can still touch things. Besides, your old owners aren't here, aren't they?

(y/n):... no

Loremaster: good you listen to me and Lucifer now. Lucifer.

Lucifer: yes Loremaster?

Loremaster: I think I will get some stuff for (y/n) for him staying here. (y/n), tell me about your kind and what you like.

Loremaster was also very interested on learning his kind. (y/n) did told her what he knows and what he likes. She took notes then decided what to do next.

Loremaster: Thank you for telling me (y/n). Now, I will be leaving and get you what you need for living here (y/n). Lucifer will watch you till I get back. Justice can give you apple pie. When everything is set up, we shall be making rules for you.

(y/n): okay, Loremaster

Loremaster: good kitty

She pets his head. (y/n) stood still because he hadn't gotten head pats in a long time. It felt good even Loremaster's arms were metal. He purred a little. The girls thought it was adorable. 

Lucifer: I love that noise

Loremaster: you know what, Lucifer you can say good things about (y/n) without permission. I honestly think the same. 

Soon she left. Lucifer got (y/n) to meet Justice.

 Lucifer got (y/n) to meet Justice

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Lucifer: Justice, meet (y/n)

Justice felt him since she is still blind. She knew what he could be. 

Justice: hello their little guy. Want some apple pie?

(y/n): I... never tired it.

The 2 gasped a tiny bit. Justice went to baking right away. She was soon done and gave some to (y/n). (y/n) tired it and he thought it was very delicious. He ate the rest of his.

Justice: how was it?

(y/n): one of the best things I tasted. Have more?

Justice: I think Lucy has the last piece

Lucifer had the last piece. (y/n) was looking at her. 

Lucifer: sorry but this is...

(y/n) rarely does it but he gives the cute cat eyes. It helped him get out of some situations. 

(Something like this)

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(Something like this)

Lucifer was blushing a lot because of how cute sad he is being.

Lucifer: fine, you can have it

She gave it to him, and he ate it. (y/n) was pretty happy.

(y/n): thank you

Lucifer: it's... only one piece of pie. I... had plenty... I guess. 

(y/n) rubbed his head against her. He began to purr. Lucifer was stunned but then felt happy. She petted him and he kept purring.

Loremaster: I'm back and I got you some things (y/n)...

She saw what he and Lucifer were doing. She didn't really know it, but she was a little jealous that time.

Our Precious Kitty (Yandere Examtaker Lucifer and Loremaster x male shy Neko)Where stories live. Discover now