New Life At Harvard

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This is it. I've finally been here. I take a few steps back and evaluate my surroundings. I'm finally enrolled at Harvard University. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'm here because of a lot of hardships and money. lots of money. I take a deep breath. I use my camera to capture a picture for Sarah and chad along with my sister. When I think of my sister, I grin. 

Ever since the accident, she has been the most important person in my life.

My younger sister Layla, my parents Anthony and Camilla Laurence, and I were going to a restaurant for my parent's anniversary a few years ago. However, someone or something dashed in front of the vehicle. It resembled a person, except it had grey pasty skin and was so thin that its bones could be seen. The most horrifying aspect of it, though, was its black hole eyes. My parents attempted to swerve off the road to avoid hitting it, but they were unsuccessful. Their rushed effort failed miserably. That night, they died in the crash. My younger sister didn't recall anything, but I did. I tell her the brakes were just faulty whenever she asks. It's better that way. 

I check my phone to see if any of my friends from high school have emailed me back. We all seemed to have drifted away since we graduated. I try to keep in touch with them, but it's difficult when they're all starting new lives on their own.

I carry my duffle bag full of my clothes and other essentials onto the college grounds. I'm buzzing with enthusiasm as I stroll around. My senses are filled with the aromas of the smokey French espresso and lilacs. This is life. I go to the office and complete the necessary paperwork in order to secure a dorm room. I unpack my belongings and, before I know it, a few weeks have passed and I've settled into campus life.

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