The Choice

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I swerved to the side and took a position between them. The ballerina smiles, while the boy from before maintains his grin and coos.

"I'm hurt, it was quite rude of you not to let me in, but I presume our dear friend handled it for you." He pouts before returning the smile to the ballerina, who returns it displeased.

"who the hell are you?" I let out with a growl. fear still tinted in my voice.

He flashed a Cheshire cat grin. "Please accept my apologies. Of course, an introduction is required. I'm known as the puppeteer, and I'm here to assist you. Your old friends abandoned you. You were left out to rot. I'm your only companion in this place. Isn't that right puppet"

My breathing becomes heavy. How does he know that about them?

"Look, you don't have to be frightened. I'm here to help you, but you must allow me to do so. I'm here to relieve you of all your pain. I'm here to assist you because no one else has." He gets behind me and rubs my shoulders. For the first time in weeks, I feel relieved. I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. Why do I feel like this? I'm not sure why I want to trust him. Something about this isn't right.

"What exactly do you mean?" I have a suspicion about him and this. There isn't a single thing about this that is right. I don't care how much comfort he provides, that smile can't be good. nor can the fucking doll that staring into my damm soul.

"I'm proposing to relieve your suffering, my dear puppet, do you see that lovely doll?" He purrs as he leans over my ear. I glance across at her, then return my gaze to him with a nod. "She was burdened with grief and loneliness, just like you. I also assisted her. Mommy and daddy kept her apart from the people she loved most. She's now bound to them for the rest of her life. If you wish, I can offer you a similar fate."

Slowly reaching for my hands, he glides his hands down to my arms. "Wouldn't it be lovely to be surrounded by people who care about you and want to be with you? All you have to do now is allow me to turn you into my puppet. If you agree, I will grant you whatever you desire." He takes my hands in his and rubs the centre of my palm with his thumbs before taking one hand and spreading his fingers out. Golden strings slither up my arm from their tips.

He puts his lips right by my ear. More shivers run up my spine as I feel his icy breath against my skin. "All you have to do is give in." And I'm almost ready to until I hear it. layla. My ears are ringing with Layla's voice, and I'm brought back to reality. I'm not about to abandon her. she needs me. She needs her brother. and truly if anything I need her more than ever. she's all I have left of my family. His lace strings retract as I shove him off and stand in front of him, face to face. He takes a step back in surprise before grimacing at the unexpected reaction.

He sighs and after a bit of recollecting himself, he starts thinking, and as though he can hear my thoughts he continues. "Is it her that you're trying to live for, your dear sister?" he asks. I take a deep breath and continue to stare him down. He groans and leans against the wall, his eyes fixed on me. His gaze pierced my soul. He says things that stun me. "What you're doing 's logical to me. I had a close connection with someone once. They also were important to me. They will, however, abandon you. growing sick of you. She's only a child, after all. You will be irrelevant to her in a few years. She may be concerned now, but she will soon forget about you and go on with her life, just as all of your companions have done."

The ballerina gives him a hesitant look before turning away. But he is correct; she is merely a child. I shall be irrelevant in her life as she grows older. I'm not going to matter. He approaches me and takes my arm in his hand, firmly gripping, leaning in close to my face. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, dear puppet; accept my offer and live your life as you desire for the rest of your days. Fail to accept me and face your reality." I can't help but feel inclined to give in when the last part comes out as a low growl. so That is exactly what I do.

I look him in the eyes. "...fine. I accept your proposal ". He nods his head and smiles. "Good puppet, Let's us begin." I feel the lacey strings start to wrap around my body as he loosens up the grasp of his grip. They spread to embrace my entire body as they move up my arm to my chest. He smiles the entire time, his eyes shining even more. It makes me feel light because of the sensation. I don't feel weighed down. As the strings become lower, I lose control and feel myself slipping away from me. Everything is a little hazy, but that's okay. I feel safe.

My body begins to move involuntarily, and it takes me a while to realise that I'm dancing. The more I dance, the less control I have over myself. I surrender and give in to its complete control. My vision has completely abandoned me. The puppeteer can now use me as he pleases because the strings have taken over. All I feel is ecstasy till I don't feel anything at all. Everything comes to a halt. It's finished. I'm finished

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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