25: hospital

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Warnings: suicidal thoughts I think, idk., Tried to unlive themselves.
                      Your pov:
I can't believe this right now but, I almost killed myself.
                 5 hours before
                      Your pov:
I'm in my bed thinking, I know why I want to do this, and I will do it today,but should I do it? Yes I will! But then people would be ashamed of me because of what I'm gonna do.

You're probably wondering what I'm probably gonna do. I don't wanna live anymore because I'm lonely,I have nobody, absolutely nobody.

My ex girlfriend, Victoria,is a full on rock star ,but with me I don't really know what I am ,my mom died when I was 19 ,I miss her so much every day ,but this day I miss her more than all the other days.

So that's why I thought that I don't wanna live,I just miss my mom so much,and this time I really wanna see her.

(I'll tell you what happened later in the story ,but pretend that you tried to unlive yourself)
0 minutes left
                     Vic's pov:
I was chilling on the couch by the boys,my phone started ringing,I looked ,it was y/n.

I answered the phone "hello?" I said ,there was silence for a minute "hello,are you Victoria",I got a bit nervous so I got up from the couch ,"y-yes ,what happened".

The boys looked at me with confused faces ,"well y/n y/l/n ,has tried to unlive themselves , she is in the hospital room recovering,and the visit times are 12:00-6-00 o'clock,so if you're wondering if you want to visit y/n then that'll be ok,and she will be awake tomorrow,so that'll be the best time".

A couple tears went streaming down my face "t-thank you ,I will be t-there tomorrow ,thank you" ,I hung up the phone and fell down on my knees and started to sob.

The boys came to me "what happened Vic?!?!" Ethan said,I tried to get words out of my mouth,but I just couldn't ,"maybe we should give her some time to speak" Damiano said quietly.

I couldn't stop crying "y/n tried to kill herself" I said quickly ,the boys looked at each other ,"w-well should we go see her now" Thomas said,"n-no ,it's not visiting hours yet ,we have to wait till tomorrow" I said through sobs ,"ok, well get some rest".

I got on my wobbly legs and walked to my room and went to bed.
The next day
                     Vic's pov:
I woke up to people shaking my body ,"let me sleep bitches" I said ignorantly "no,it's almost visiting hours and we gotta get going" ,I totally forgot that we were going to the hospital.

"Whatever, I'll get ready" ,I got up and got dressed,I wore y/n's favorite outfit that was on me ,I didn't put on any makeup ,I went downstairs and saw all the boys ,"let's go see y/n now" damiano said jumping up and down,"you child" I said while laughing.

We left the house and got into the car ,it's gonna be hard seeing y/n like this.

We got to the hospital and we all got out,I got scared ,I took a very big deep breath,Ethan took my hand into his ,I looked at him and gave him a smile "thank you".

We got inside the hospital and started talking to the doctor ,"hello, we're looking for y/n y/l/n" "room 360" "thank you" we all said.

It was 12:05 so we were in good time,we sat down and waited cause we could see someone in there ,it was probably the doctor".

The lady came out of the room "oh hello,are you waiting for y/n?" ,We all nodded ,"alrighty,she is good right now so you guys can go in there" ,"thank you".
                     Your pov:
After the doctor gave me my medicine,I was disgusted so I just went on my phone until I heard a knock on the door ,"come in" I yelled.

The door opened,it was the whole band.

I stared at them in shock "h-hey guys ,why are you here" ,"to see you" damiano said ,I could see the tears welling in Vic's eyes ,"everybody find somewhere to sit" I said laughing.

They all found somewhere to sit ,Vic was on my right and Ethan was on my left ,and the two boys were just standing in front of the hospital bed.

I was slumped down in the bed so I had to get up ,I put my hands on the side things and pushed myself up ,it hurt so bad "ow ,ow ,ow that hurt" I said painfully.

"What's the matter" Vic said ,"the wound,it hurts" ,they all looked confused "wound?!?!" ,Oh the doctor didn't tell them "so I'm guessing that the doctor really didn't tell you everything" I said while my voice was cracking.

They all nodded,while I just looked at my hands ,but I had to tell them the story so I picked my head up.

"Well,I was thinking alot and the thing that popped into my head w-was killing myself,and I missed my mom so I just wanna see her one day ,I-i-" ,I had to stop talking cause I had to let my tears out.

I saw tears on everybody's faces already, "and I grabbed a butcher knife and stabbed myself,I screamed really loud so I'm guessing that t-the neighbors heard and called the police,and all I wanna do is see my mom ,I told everything to her,she was my life saver , a-and that was my story".

They all looked at me ,I looked at Vic ,there was tears running down her face ,"come here" I said to Vic ,she got up from her chair and hugged me.

When we were hugging,we all started to cry again ,"I'm sorry" I said quietly,"don't be sorry,it was my fault" Vic said ,I looked up at her and we made eye contact "Vic it wasn't your fault,it was mine,it was all mine ,I was the one who tried to kill myself and ended up in the hospital,don't ever say that it was your fault."

They all gave me hugs.

Something that I know right now is that I should've stayed a little bit more quieter.
The end
Hey guys,this story made me ball my eyes out ,I did publish this story on accident but I did unpublish it on time I think ,but I don't know what to say except,I hope you guys liked the story and have a great day or night and I will see In the next story, bye bye.
Love,ally ❤️



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