Chapter 2: If only

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jtlyk there are gonna have a flashback through out the story :)

Plot: Y/n and Tom were made for each other and have been married for nearly 10 years but what happens when they go through putrid rough patch?

Summary: The conversation from the coffee date, And a shit ton of If Only's


You were overly excited for the coffee meet up / date. Even though you guys were married, both of you felt like it was your first date. As you got dressed you wondered how Tom always managed to stay at a hotel when you knew that he only had a certain amount pair of outfits in his suitcases that he took on his last trip to L.A for an interview when Spider-Man: Far From Home started filming



"Okay y/n/n, I'm leaving I'll see you in two weeks!"

"Oh Okay! Bye Bubs, I love youuuuu!"

I leaned in to kiss Tom but to my surprise he turned his head so that instead of me kissing him on the lips I ended up kissing him on the cheek. It took me by surprise but never the less I brushed it off thinking that he was just excited for the interview. If only I would have asked him about it before then maybe I would have saved myself a broken and aching heart but I didn't. Which till this day is one of the mistakes in Tom's and I's relationship.



I knew that I was a bit early but I wanted to be able to order our coffee and some delicious croissants that Z had been telling me that they sold there. I had been listening to the same song I had on repeat for more than I could remember after Tom left "Only love can hurt like this, Must've been a deadly kiss", and it was true love did hurt the way I had been hurting. As I walked into the coffee shop I smelt the strong odor of coffee. I felt a small tingling feeling as I was consuming the smell. I got in line and as soon as I finished ordering I felt two warm strong arms wrapped around my body and I melted mentally.


I went into the coffee shop and I instantly noticed Y/N. She had this oversized sweater dress with thigh boots and a black belt wrapped on her waist, paired with the bag I gave to her on our 2 year anniversary.

I marveled at the simple but beautiful outfit she put together. As I finished looking at her in awe I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind and rested my head in between her neck and shoulder.


"Hello darling I missed you"

I missed you? I missed you!? What the Fuck!?!?

I swear if only we weren't in a coffee shop surrounded by people, I would have punched him in the nose the second he wrapped his arms around me

I was mad...No I was livid but being the wife of Tom Holland a world known actor came with its perks. For instance being able to go over Tom's lines with him, which unbeknownst to him helped me perfect my acting skills. So instead of going loose on him I kept my perfect fake smile on, turned around squealed and smothered him in feather kisses along his face.



Y/n NO!


I mean No I don't want you to come with me okay!?

Wow, ok you know what?


I know you are hiding something from me and I am going to find out what you are because we have been married for nearly 10 god damn years okay?! I know you. I know when you lie. I know more of you than you probably ever will!

Im Not Lying Y/N! OKAY? Im not lying I swear its just I have a lot on my mind right now.

Fine. But do NOT expect me to believe that you aren't LYING!!! BECAUSE I WON'T AND I DON'T



"Y/n" I said softly

"hm?" y/n hummed lightly in response

"People are watching" I said warily

"I don't Care Let them watch" she said with a huff

"Y/n?" I said again

"whattttt" she groaned

"Food's ready" I said as the barista gave us our drinks and food

"FOOD!" Y/n Squealed eagerly


Both of them got their food and walked towards one of the booths near the corner of the shop surrounded by a wall surrounded by books.

"Sooo how was filming?" y/n said dragging the O's and with a bit of hesitance in her voice.

"It was tiring but I loved it I can't wait for tomorrow I just wish I could stay there forever."

"Of course you do"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh just how you're never home and you decide to just tell your wife that you wish you could stay at your job forever than be home with her. But Oh Wait! You technically have been spending forever there. This is the first time I have seen you in THREE. FUCKING. MONTHS!!! Ok? im tired of this. Im tired of going to sleep at night alone in a fucking apartment you had us move into, so you could be closer to you fucking job" You haven't even bothered to face time. I only hear you once a day. Twice if I get lucky! Im. Tired. Of. This. If only you card enough. If only you loved me enough to be at home with me at least once a week. If only you'd realize that "this" (you said pointing between you too) isn't healthy. If only you were there for me when I really needed it." you said as you had finally exploded. You were tired of all the shit he put you through. You were tired that you never got to see you husband anymore.

Tom was confused, hurt, angry, and disappointed. He was confused as to when things got this bad between you two. He was hurt because he realized you had every right to be upset at him. He was angry with himself because he let things get so out of hand, and he was disappointed in himself because he knew that this was his fault. If only he had gone home more. If only he had talked to you more frequently. If only he would have realized how much he had fucked up. If only he would have tried to be with you more. If only. If only.

ANY feedback is appreciated! Have a wonderful day or night wherever you are <3

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