Last Regional Insurgent OC

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The last regional insurgent, as well as Iremacht's biggest rival!

from the South American Region

from the South American Region

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Sunami (SOO-nah-MEE): He is the master of nearly all the world's major drug cartels and drug trafficking routes. This line of work earned him large sums of money, which he shows through the purple of his flag (purple is the rarest flag color because it is one of the most expensive colors to make).

His affluence makes him a formidable foe against Iremacht when they do clash, and he is the only regional insurgent able to attain double black eyes without being a full-time entity. With double black eyes, he can beat Third Union in a fist fight, Schwitzy in a knife fight, and dethrone Iremacht as criminal entity. However, the eyes are taxing to maintain and he prefers to fight fairly with his normal strength.

Despite being rivals with Iremacht, the two hold respect for one another and make sure not to push past each other's boundaries. They share a dark history and neither wishes to repeat their mistakes. Iremacht knows angering Sunami will put himself and his cousins in danger while Sunami has no interest in taking the responsibilities of the full-time criminal entity role that Iremacht currently holds.

He is enemies with Shaitan, the next richest regional insurgent. He maintains a neutral relationship with Zhnetsa and her sisters because their region has many customers. He views Rikune, Selensika, Suglitch, and Conteuller as inferior regional insurgents and pays little attention to their feuds.

Naturally, he and NATO don't get along, although they have few opportunities to interact since Sunami operates mainly in South America. He has much more beef with America and CIA and is at the top of their most wanted list.

He is regarded by many countryhumans as the most independent and unpredictable regional insurgent. The only person he might answer to is, occasionally, Iremacht.


That concludes all my regional insurgent OCs. If you haven't noticed, each of these insurgents, including the Red Trio, have eyes that reflect the colors of the rainbow in order. Sunami covers both purple and violet. Since violet is the rarest color in nature, I made him the most powerful, followed by red and blue (Red Trio and Shaitan).

Red: Iremacht (Schwitzy, Third Union)

Orange: Rikune (Selensika)

Yellow: Suglitch and Conteuller

Green: Zhnetsa, Lianne, Daodao

Blue: Shaitan

Purple/Violet: Sunami

All of these characters are due to appear in the new animation I'm working on.

If you have OCs of your own, what would they think of Sunami??


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