"Recruitment" Chapter 3: Acquisition Of A Magical Sketchbook

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As I said, Seinaru will learn a lesson today. And he will need to learn this lesson if he wishes to become a hero.

Seinaru and company arrive at a quaint suburban Japanese town, somewhere at a park in the early morning.

Gojubey: We've arrived. And as promised...

Gojubey stands beneath Seinaru and summons a folder from their Grief Seed receptacle. He takes it.

Gojubey: Now, to do my job.

Gojubey starts to walk off.

Seinaru: Wait, where are you going?

Gojubey: If you actually recruit that girl, how do you explain them having to leave to her parents, her friends, and her other acquaintances? What if you guys somehow end up in legal trouble here? As otherworlders, you don't have a legal identity in this one. Someone has to forge all the necessary documents, and I made sure Akko, a little kid, would not be missed by her parents and friends until she returns. That's what the letters on my cap are for, after all.

Kagami: And what do they stand for?

Gojubey: Undead Tax Exemption. I didn't get to meet you all earlier because I was busy covering up Honey Kisaragi's disappearance from her world.

Honey: That's very helpful and considerate of you. I honestly didn't think about that when I decided to join Seinaru on his adventure... You saved us from a lot of headaches that way.

Gojubey: Yeah. So many people, usually the magical kind, think little of all the legal ramifications that there's actually a multiversal organization dedicated to doing what I'm doing, among other things. But that's a story for another time. See you later.

And with that, Gojubey shortly vanishes from sight.

Seinaru: Alright, so we're gonna find the magic sketchbook and recruit the girl who has it, right?

Kagami: That's the plan. You should check the dossier first.

Seinaru opens the dossier.

Seinaru: So... This girl is an idol... Wait, does that mean she has no combat experience?

Tate: Oh dear. That changes things.

Seinaru: Now I have some doubts about this...

Tate: What the hell are the Purificators thinking? I thought they were better than Kyubey. Even with all he's withheld, he still made it clear what Puella Magi were getting into.

Kagami: But that sketchbook, though. Even discounting combat applications, surely there's more that can be done with it than we realize.

Tate: (turns to Honey and Akko) Why do you two fight, anyway?

Honey: Well, I mean, I was just only doing fighting for revenge.

Akko: And I normally don't fight, but had to learn how to during that little quest with the other five girls...

Seinaru: Well, what do we do now?

Tate: Hmm... Perhaps this is a test? To gauge your willingness to do what it takes for your cause, Seinaru. That must be why they just displayed the artifact instead of the girl during the briefing.

Kagami: Or perhaps this is a puzzle. To see if we can determine a way to acquire that sketchbook without moral compromise.

Tate: Which means stealing is not an option. Besides the fact that it's a crime, such items tend to be attached to their owners if what Kagami and I watched back then is anything to go by.

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