Fantastic Flashback 2: In Your Footsteps

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As the heroes arrive back in Purity City, Joi was seen nearby resting at her outdoor cage by the entrance of the city.

Seinaru: How'd you get there, Joi?

Joi: Well... I had a bit of help getting here.

Plus I was about to go back for another soak.

Seinaru: Who took you back here? Inori?

Joi: Inori did to let me cool down a bit before soaking in the hot water again.

Seinaru: Oh... She's nice, isn't she?

Joi: Yep!

Leviathan: That boss is dead?

Seinaru: Yep. Deep Blue is toast.

Leviathan: Heh... I managed to reproduce that magic I absorbed earlier.

Seinaru: Oh? What kind of magic?

He uses Joi and create a harmless version of a Chimera Anima.

Leviathan: I can use this to scout and possess.

Seinaru: Good idea.

Leviathan: Hehe... but your Joi has gotten a bit stronger after I was done with her.

Seinaru: Oh? How so?

Leviathan: Since I'm fully merged with her, she gets a workout when I possess her.

Seinaru: Wow... Amazing! You're great at this!

Leviathan: This is light of what I actually can do.

Seinaru: It's just light?

Leviathan: This is easy compared to what I've done in the past.

Seinaru: Wow... You're gonna be a great ally.

Leviathan: You're an interesting one for a hero.

Seinaru: Oh? What do you mean?

Leviathan: Not many has trusted me before.

Seinaru: Huh... Sounds dangerous.

Leviathan: I normally consume those stronger than me after I merge.

Seinaru: Woah! Wonderful!

Leviathan: Yeah, but I haven't had the need for that yet.

Seinaru: Good... Let's have the Mew Mews settle down.

Inori came over to them to pick up Joi.

Seinaru: Hey, Inori-kun!

Inori: Seinaru! You're back!

Seinaru: How has it been for Joi and Levi?

Inori: I had to cover Joi in an ointment when she came back before the soak plus she's almost a full pound heavier than normal. Leviathan on the other hand was a lot calmer and helped around using those wisps.

Seinaru: Woah... I bet it's shocking for you to have to work with a Devil, considering your beliefs.

Inori: It is actually but I didn't want Joi harmed if I did something to Leviathan.

Seinaru: I can't blame you.
The Mew Mews head to their home in the Millennium District.

Ichigo: So this is the city?

Ringo: Looks like it.

Ichigo: Is there a map of this place?

They're given a map.

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