Chapter 2: A new world.

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The portal opens up and the 3 fall into a grassy field. A book falls onto Y/n.

Y/n: Ow...

Origin picks up the book.

Origin: How to survive... FLIP!

Y/n: What is it?

Origin: We're in minecraft...

Uynm: Let's go!

Uynm punches a tree 10 times and it falls down.

Uynm: These trees are weak.

Origin: So we are in this world because the nether and the overworld are at war. We need to stop the war.

Y/n: Well. Let's set up camp...

Origin: It says there is the hero's sword nearby. It's a diamond sword.

Uynm: I'll take the sword.

Y/n: No I should.

Origin: Y/n gets it because HE brought us both here. Try to find it but we need to set up camp first.

Uynm: We need a campfire and some wool for a bed.

Y/n: I'll go mining.

Uynm: I'll get some wood.

Origin: Looks like I need to kill some sheep...

Uynm gives Y/n some wooden tools and Y/n goes into a cave.

Y/n: Oh coal.

Y/n mines some coal and some stone.

Y/n: Wait... is that?

Y/n walks up to a diamond sword stuck in a stone with writing on the stone.

Y/n: "Good luck Hero." Well that isn't menacing at all...

Y/n grabs the sword and goes up to the surface.

Uynm: Have the coal?

Y/n: Yep, I also got some stone.

Uynm places down a crafting table and makes some stone tools.

Y/n: Where is Origin?

Uynm: Well...

A bunch of wool come out of nowhere and fell on Y/n.

Uynm: He found out how to make an energy sword.

Uynm crafts some beds and starts cooking some lambchops on the campfire.

Origin: There is a village near here, we will go there tomorrow.

They all go into their bed and fell asleep.



Origin: Warrior/hunter.

Y/n: Miner/Woodworker.

Uynm: Farmer/Cook.

The Three Hero's. (Male reader x Harem.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz