Prologue: Act I

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In retrospect, [Name] probably should have told her team she was coming down with a bad case of the flu. 

(At least, what she thought was the flu.)

But, when Lumine and her brother, Aether show up at her doorstep, excitedly rambling about this week’s bounty and how generous the reward is for hunting down this particular Ruin Hunter, [Name] was putty—weak to their bright smiles and starry eyes. She couldn’t turn them down. So, she downed a bottle of dandelion wine to battle the cold and slipped on a thick coat. She would do anything for the twins, so it seemed, having grown quite attached to them after following them in their journey for months. 

This was the first time she had gotten sick, anyway, how bad could it be?

Diluc of the Dawn Winery and Venti the Bard also accompanied them for this hunt, one of them chattering drunkenly about the scent of freedom—whatever that smells like. Naturally, with such a capable and strong team, [Name] thought her healing powers weren’t needed for today. After all, they had fought foes far more dangerous than one measly Ruin Hunter. 

Except they didn’t account for this one’s immunities. 

This Ruin Hunter was invulnerable to Anemo, so that meant Venti was out of the question. It also took no damage from swords or claymores, meaning the twins, Diluc, and [Name] couldn’t use their weapons for the time being. They had to rely on the twins’ Geo structures, Diluc’s fiery strikes, and [Name]’s occasional Hydro blasts. They were doing relatively well.

Until they weren’t.

“Venti!” Lumine cries as the bard is sent crashing against the wall of a mountain. 

[Name] doesn’t think twice. She races across the ground, ignoring the agonized cries of her legs, cradling Venti’s limp form to her chest. She drops her claymore to the forest floor, hands roaming across her friend’s face, transferring healing energy from her to him. It doesn’t matter that all her energy’s been drained, exhausted from fighting her own war of snot and fevers. They come first, no matter what.

That is her role as the healer. 

“You alright, Tone-Deaf Bard?” She asks, grinning as she uses the nickname made for him by Paimon. [Name] keeps a collected front, yet her heart is hammering inside her rib cage, unable to stomach the thought of her friends gravely injured. No matter how many battles they fight together, it doesn’t get any easier seeing them bruised and wounded. 

Venti stirs, an actual pout on his lips. “You wound me more than any other force in Teyvat. My heart marches to the rhythm of pain and heartbreak.” 

[Name] smiles, relief flowing through her veins. “If you are well enough for a quick banter, Venti, you are well enough to fight. Our friends need you.” 

Venti stands upright, good as new from her quick healing abilities. He grabs his bow, shooting a playful wink her way. “Eyes on me, [Name]! I’ll finish this fight while the sun burns bright!” 

“Yeah,” She whispers in reply, slumping her body against the large boulder behind her. The sun has definitely been bright today, cruel and merciless as it bestowed its summer rays down on her unsuspecting body. The heat, along with the fever, has been wearing her down. She closes her eyes for a moment, only to snap them back open at the sound of Venti’s panicked yell.

“[Name]! Watch out!” 

Her breath hitches at the sight of the large Ruin Hunter flying in the air, majestic as it is terrifying. Apparently, it’s smart enough to single out the most vulnerable of the bunch. It’s blade, long and ruthless, slices through the air. The others attempt to reach for her, calling out her name with pained desperation. Venti pulls his bowstring back, readying his arrows. Sluggishly, [Name] moves away, attempting to escape the wrath of an angry Ruin Hunter.

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