Chapter Fifteen

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Adams POV

"Where have you been you've been ages!" Sauli said as I walked into the store, my mind was still with tommy. "Hello earth calling adam?!" Sauli said waving his hands in front of my face. "Huh sorry what did you say?" I replied, "youre miles away whats up?" he asked. "Nothing, did you get the wine?" I asked. He held up a bag, "yep all sorted what was up with your friend?" he said his tone edgy.

"Hes just a friend Sauli, his daughter has gone missing" I said. "Oh I had no idea" he replied, "don't worry youre my one and only babe" I told him lacing my fingers through his. We headed home as I picked up 2 glasses and handed one to Sauli, he poured wine into them both. "You know I haven't seen verity for a few hours" Sauli mused.

"I should probably go check on her" I said getting up, I headed up the stairs and knocked on her bedrrom door. There was no answer, I pushed the door open and switched on the light. There was a lump in the bed but no movement, I pulled the cover back and gasped.

"SAULIIII!!!" I shouted running up the hallway searching the rooms, "what?" he asked appearing behind me. "Shes gone!" I said, "who?" he asked. "Verity shes gone" I told him. "Really?" He replied, "well obviously I wouldn't just say it!" I snapped.

"Shes probably only doing it for attention, she doesn't like being punished. Im sure she will turn up sooner or later" he said walking away. "What the hell is your problem Sauli?!" I yelled, he turned on the stairs and looked up at me. "Your daughter is a spoilt brat, shes done this to get attention we both know it. As for that little blonde you were chatting to, I can see right through your shit you fancy him!" he shouted.

"Since when did you become a complete asshole Sauli, tommy is a FRIEND a friend not a lover not a crush a friend. You knew I had a kid right from the get go, im so over your childish little tantrums from both of you" I told him walking past him and shrugging on my jacket. "Where do you think youre going?" he said standing between me and the front door.

"To find my daughter now get out of my way" I said, "don't you dare walk away from me you like that tommy guy I can tell!" he said. "I don't have time to listen to your crap Sauli now move" I replied. "No you will listen, I come second to that jumped up little daddys girl because she bats her eyelashes at you and you give her whatever the hell she wants. Shes rude to me, you just let her get away with it. Now youre making eyes at a guy, a married guy! Im always second in your list!" he shouted getting in my face.

I moved back a little, "stop with this Sauli its pathetic. Youre a grown man, this is stupid. Stop being so damn self centred!" I replied. "How dare you!" he said as his hand connected with my cheek the slap bouncing off the walls. My hand flew up to my face as Sauli's eyes blazed with anger. "Well I guess this is what youre really like then huh" I said as he stepped backwards.

"You deserved it!" he shouted, "whatever" I replied leaving the house and shutting the door behind me. My cheek was burning, it stung like a bitch. I was stunned, I had no idea he was like that. No it must be a one off, but that was pretty extreme. I set off up the road, there was a house party going on. Im talking teenagers everywhere, drinking in the street, making out with each other and very unceremoniously throwing up on the floor.

I looked over from the other side of the road, I caught a glimpse of a girl with red hair who was stumbling up the road. "Verity!" I shouted as the girl looked up, "daddy" she said as I crossed the road and she stumbled as I caught her in my arms. "Are you drunk?" I asked, "a little tiny bit" she said slurring her words. "Ok home now" I said, "no im a brow- grown up and you cant boss me about" she replied.

"Be quiet come on" I said walking her up the road, she tripped and fell as I sighed and scooped her into my arms. We were almost home when she told me to stop, I looked down at her. "What?" I asked, she shook her head and turned it away from me. "Put me down" she said, I placed her on the ground as she bent over and was sick everywhere. I sighed, it was literally everywhere including over my jeans and boots.

"Fantastic" I said stepping over the puddle, "come on" I said once she was done. I held out my hand as she took it and we walked the rest of the way home, the house was quiet Sauli must be in bed. "Right go to bed i'll bring you some water up" I said, she nodded and walked upstairs. I threw my dirty clothes in the laundry before placing my boots out in the garden. I poured her a glass of water and picked up the washing up bowl and some tablets.

I headed back upstairs in my shirt and boxers, I knocked on the bedroom door and pushed it open. Verity was sitting on her bed, "here drink this, take 2 of those. The bowl is there if you want it, get some sleep we can sort this out tomorrow" I said kissing her head and heading to bed.

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