Chapter Nineteen

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Tommys POV

I heard the doorbell ring, me and liz exchanged glances. "Are you expecting anyone?" I asked, "nope you?" she answered. "No then who the fuck is it? Why are they knocking at 2 am?" I said. "I don't know ignore it" liz replied turning back over, they knocked again more insistently. "For fuck sake" I replied swinging my legs out of bed.

I walked downstairs in just my pants and a tshirt, they knocked again. "Alright for god sake im coming!" I shouted. I pulled open the door as some blonde guy shoved his way in, "excuse me what the fuck are you doing here Sauli?" I said sleepily. I could smell alcohol on his breath, and a lot of it for that matter. "I had to see" he said cryptically, "see what?" I asked. "See why my boyfriend would rather have you than me" he replied.

"Dude really this couldn't wait until tomorrow?" I said sighing, "I don't know what he sees in you. Youre nothing special" he said slurring his words. "Go home Sauli youre drunk" I replied. "You cant tell me what to do, and you cant have my boyfriend. He belongs to me, don't bother speaking to him again" he said.

"Riiighht well nice chat now can you go id like to go back to bed and my wife dickhead" I said getting agitated. "You better watch your back Ratliff" he said leaving, I shut the door behind him and walked back upstairs. "Who was that?" liz asked, "no one just some crazy dude. Wrong house I think" I replied yawning. "Oh right well night then" she said, "night babe" I answered.

The next morning...

My mobile rang on the side as I picked it up with my arms, "hey adam" I said. "Hey tommy look I need to tell you something" he started, "oh yeah sure thing" I said pushing my phone to my ear. "Tommy I have to tell you that well erm" he started as I leant over to dry my hands as I heard my phone plop into the washing up bowl of water.

"Fuck" I said fishing it from the water, It dripped pathetically as I dropped it on the side. Im going to have to go round there aren't I, besides he needs to know his crazy ass boyfriend was round last night. I dried my hands and pulled on my boots and jacket, "scarlet im just going out I wont be long!" I called up the stairs. "Ok dad" she replied as I picked my keys up and headed out the front door.

I climbed into my car and set off for adams, once I arrived I climbed out and headed up the path. I knocked on the front door, verity answered it. "Oh hey tommy come in i'll just go get dad. Make yourself comfortable" she said stepping aside as I went in. I walked into the front room as something crunched under my foot, it was glass.

I picked it up but there was more, "dad will be down in a minute" verity said looking at the piece of glass in my hand. "Oh crap I must have missed those bits, I knocked one over last night. So clumsy" she said clearing it up  and placing the broken bits in a bin. I heard footsteps as adam walked into the room, "hey" he said quietly.

My gaze met his, he looked tired. I noticed he had more makup on than usual, but those eyes were still as bright as ever. "Hey, I dropped my phone in a bowl of water. I thought id pop round and see what you wanted, also to tell you I had a visitor last night" I told him. "Who?" he asked, "Sauli. He told me to stay away from you. Came round at 2 am completely smashed" I explained.

"Oh shit im sorry hes acting a little weird at the moment" he apologised, "yeah well you know anyways what did you want?" I asked. "Tommy I need to tell you, I wont need you in the band after all" he said. "Why?" I asked, "because" h replied.

"Oh so im not needed and all I get as an explanation is because what the fuck adam!" I said standing up. "Im sorry but this is how it has to be" he told me. "Fine well fuck you too, im out have a nice life adam" I said walking away and going home. The hell was his problem, if that's how he wants it then fine.

I don't have time for people that constantly change their mind, the sad part is I thought maybe he felt the same way about me as I do him. Clearly not, I need to get him out of my head. I need to focus on my marriage, but those eyes they haunt my thoughts all the time.

The softness of his lips, how they would feel against mine. His hands on my body, touching me. His georgeous body naked and on my bed, me touching him. Feeling him, running my nails down his back. I shook my head, no tommy enough he doesn't want you in his band so hes sure as hell not going to want you as a boyfriend.

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