A night well-spent

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[Shinnosuke and Kazama, now 21, are dating and live together in an apartment in Saitama prefecture. Kazama is currently interning at a well established company and Shinnosuke is a full time content creator.]


The Saturday was well spent in the ShinToru household. It was already late evening and the day went by so fast that it almost felt cruel. But the next day was off too, so nothing to worry about.

Kazama was napping on the couch with his book on his chest. He had been utilising his evening time reading about gardening, wishing to have homegrown vegetables for dinner someday.

Shinnosuke was editing his latest fan-animation for a new Action-Kamen concept.

It would be easy to assume that both of them had spent their whole day busy with their own tasks but it would be wrong. Just before the evening, both of them had been outside running some errands. There was grocery shopping, which was the biggest task of the day, and visiting the dentist, which Shinnosuke despised to do. So they pretty much got two of the most accomplishing errands done.

After that, they had went for a drive somewhere breezy. Kazama already had smoothies prepared since he knew that they would have a long day ahead of them and after going to the dentist, they were sure to not eat out.

Under the cool shade of a tree, they sat comfortably and sipped on their smoothies while talking about nothing in particular. It was a comfortable day, being out and about, completing daily tasks at a slow pace.

And now here they were, finally spending some personal leisure time, doing the activities they enjoyed.

Yes, editing counts as leisure time in Shinnosuke's book.

When Shinnosuke was done with the last bit of the editing, he exported the video and set it up for a scheduled upload. Finally standing up and stretching himself, he rushed to the living room to see what Kazama was doing. He was almost about to whine out Kazama's name for no reason but stopped when he saw the tired man sleeping soundly on the couch.

"So cute~", he couldn't help but squeal to himself silently at the way Kazama was curled up. Shinnosuke wasted no time in taking out a thin blanket and tucked the sleeping guy in gently.

After looking at him for a while, Shinnosuke decided it would be best to not let the chance waste itself and turned off the lights. He sneaked up and layed down on the sofa as well, which was clearly not big enough for both of them. He tried to be as careful as possible so as to not wake Kazama, who still made some noises in his sleep due to the disturbance. However, he wasn't going to wake from a little shuffling anyways, being fast asleep.

As Shinnosuke made his place on the couch, he shifted his weight carefully to fit them both and wrapped his arms around Kazama to prevent any chance of an accidental fall. He then threw his leg over the 'Kazama burrito' and nuzzled his nose into the other's neck.

Soon into the posture, Shinnosuke fell asleep as well. Both of them were tired after all.


"Mhm.", Kazama groaned, trying to stretch his arms, only to find out that he was trapped in a blanket burrito with Shinnosuke wrapped around him.

He nudged against him, "Shinnosuke,"
His voice was raspy and low, evidently not loud enough to wake Shinnosuke up.

"Shin-chan!", he loudly called and Shinnosuke woke up in an instant. Hearing the nickname from Kazama still felt like a "butterflies in the stomach" experience for him.

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