Character profile #5

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Name: Ken Midori

Age: 15

Family: Unnamed parents

Physical description: Ken is a tall teenager with long and shaggy black hair as well as green eyes, he has pointed dog ears and a tail due to his power

Power(s): He is able to transform into a large 3 headed dog, he has very good hearing a highly attuned sense of smell, he'll sometimes transform when he feels an intense negative emotion such as sadness or anger, the first sign that he's about to transform is that his sclerae will turn black, but the more time he spends in that form the beastly he become

Personality: Ken is a very shy person and often relies on his puppets to speak, while he seems intimidating and menacing at first glance, he's actually quite sensitive and easily gets nervous under pressure, when around those he's comfortable with he's very kind and supportive, he's also very self-conscious and is afraid of his own power

Background: Ken was originally a student at the Hero Commission and was in the same year as Honcho, he was also the top of his class and had the best control over his power, however when the time came for the final exam when everyone expected him to pass with flying colors, something went horribly wrong. He was out of control in his beast form and ended destroying most of the exam room as well as injuring a teacher and several other students, when he managed to change back he was horrified at what he'd done, so he fled and hasn't been back to the commission since then, he had also tried his best to never change into his beast form again out of fear that he may hurt or even kill someone

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