Cw cussing

17 0 3

So I'll say this without completely exposing my sister in law because I'm not posting this kind of shit knowing she doesn't want it within a certain part of the family let alone someone else's socials. Last night we had about 4 of the grandkids over, my mom spilled some super messed up thing to my brothers dad knowing she shouldn't have and used the kids as an excuse, she shouldn't have, they weren't even a handful last night. I texted my sister about it just to tell her "Hey, moms calling you and bubba childish for ignoring her calls and texts, im sure im missing some context but I just wanted to let you know I know how it feels for her to spill that stuff and im here for you if she tries anything" she told me my mom leaked stuff she didn't want my brothers dad to know which I completely get, he posts this stuff online to act like a good father figure. I'm just so mad my mom had the audacity to even call them childish. Whether it was an accident or not you have no right to blame innocent children for your mistake. So done.

Venting Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ