CHAPTER 3 SUGOI Tournament

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As Aoi entered the stadium he saw the sign up booth. He queued up and waited for his turn to sign up. When it was his turn the admissions staff laughed in his face and told his co worker "there is another first timer".
Aoi did not respond the officer handed him his pass. In the first round aoi was paired with akira the ripper. The entire crowd was rooting for akira a two time champion. As soon as the battle began akira revealed his ultimate technique fifty shades of smoke. The technique create fifty illusions of smoke. Aoi not wanting to reveal his true form as a dragon. He decided to only use fifteen percent of his power. In response to akira technique he used one of his techniques called spirit cannon and shot a bunch of beams from his fingers and obliterated akiras illusions.  Aoi won the fight with ease. His second opponent was haru the canibal who was also a first timer they engaged in hand to hand combat. Aoi wanting to finish the fight used a concentrated all his energy into a singular beam. Haru doged the beam and used his own technique the big chopper witch summons a huge butcher knife. Haru started swinging wildly until he hit aoi. Aoi suddenly felt paralyzed. Haru started mocking aoi calling him a loser with no home. Aoi in a enraged state accidentally released a hundred percent of his power and smashed haru skull on the stadiums wall. Aoi realizing what he had done left the arena in a hurry.

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