CHAPTER 4 final round

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As aoi left the crowd in shock at the horrific sight before their eyes. At the start of aoi third round kei aka Dr death remembering what happened the previous round did not actually want to fight aoi , but he did want his title dragged trough the mud so he made the risky decision to stay in the fight. Kei wanted to end the fight quickly he started the fight with a decisive right kick aimed at his lung. However this attack seemed to be in slow motion for aoi and instantly doged it with ease. Kei shocked at aoi speed immediately backed away from aoi. Aoi wanting to leave the arena quickly used a singular condensed beam of energy. In response to aoi attack kei revealed his technique dancing puppets. Suddenly the arena floor started shaking and skeletons started coming out of the ground and kei shouted for all to hear "this is my true power". Aoi not wanting anyone to get hurt  revealed another of his techniques dimensional break suddenly a tiny black ball appeared in the center of the arena. Kei paid  no mind to the ball suddenly felt himself being pulled inside the black ball he realized it was actually a black hole. He then accepted his fate and was pulled inside. Aoi stopped technique. After winning the fight a man delivered him his money. On his way out he bumped into a female demi human he grabbed her and said to return the money he had just won. The demi human tried to make a run for but could not break free hand the demi human then said she could explain everything. Aoi decided to listen to what she had to say for herself they found a bench and she started explaining she was actually  a slave to haru aoi first opponent. She said then haru was pissed about aoi winning the money so he told her to steal aoi money. Aoi the asked if she could prove what she was saying she then showed him her slaves mark. Aoi then asked her for her name she said she had no name. So with a flick of his hand he removed her slaves mark and named her Sakura. Aoi said she could go but Sakura wanted to stay with aoi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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