Trip to France!

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  (10th grade December 12 on 2020)
(4  months and 9 days in school )

Peter : what are you doing for Christmas?

Y/n: nothing family is going to France but I am not.

Peter: why not ?

Y/n:because I go every year since I was 9 . It was getting boring ,I needed a change.

Peter: if I was you I wouldn't get tired.

Y/n:hey! That's a great idea!

Peter: what ?

Y/n: you should go with us to France !

Peter: I thought you said you weren't going ?

Y/n: I only go if you go .

Peter: I guess I can talk to my aunt may.

Y/n:eeek! Ok I'll talk to my parents!

(You both walk to class and now you're sitting next to him in language arts )

Teacher : ok class we are going to be learning about grammar .. now I know you guys got thought this in second grade but .....

Y/n: Pete!

Peter: what?

Y/n: nothing just bored.

Peter: same ... hey after class we can both call home to ask about me going to France ?

Y/n: that's a grate idea .

Teacher : ms Johnson and mr Parker stop flirting with each other and pay attention!

( the whole class laughs )

Peter: sorry .

Y/n: sorry .

( you both laugh in silence)

(Time skip after class)

Peter : No! Of course not I would never ask her she asked me ! Yes- can I please just go ? Thank you .bye I love you . No I can pack myself. BYE!

Y/n: ok bye ! Thank you mom ! Yes I'll tell him that . I love you too bye !

Peter: so my aunt said yes what about your parents?

Y/n: my parents said yes to!!! We are going to have so much fun!!

Peter: yeah .. I have never been to France!

Y/n:well your going to love it .. I am kinda bored of the place but I'll pretend to be happy !

Peter: for me ?

Y/n: yeah !

Peter: thank you.

Y/n: you're my best friend Peter Parker..!

Peter: you're mine y/n Johnson... hey how about we leave school early and go pack?

Y/n:that's a great idea!

Peter: let's go then!

(Time skip in France)

Peter: I really don't understand how you can hate France ! It's awesome!

Y/n: it is !.. but I come here every Christmas at first I didn't mind it since it's better than staying at home doing nothing , but after a while you start to get bored .

Peter: yeah... I guess your right . Hey! Maybe we should go to the Eiffel Tower ?

Y/n: sure I don't see why not !

(In the Eiffel Tower )

???:hello(in a French accent ) would you like some ice cream , for you and you lover?

Y/n: he is not my lover but we will take the ice cream!


???: ohhhhhh... in your future I see with my eye ball! You both together happily!

Y/n: yeah sure .. can we just get the ice cream ?

???:yes of course here here !

(Peter pays the ice cream man)

Y/n: thank you !

Peter: yeah!

Y/n: what a weird guy .

Peter: yeah ...

(Suddenly you both hear a women screaming as she is looking up)

Y/n: what the fuck is that ?!

( you see this )

Y/n: Peter do you see that ?!

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Y/n: Peter do you see that ?!...Peter?

( you turn around and see that Peter is no longer there)

Y/n: what the fuck ? PETER!?!

???:GREAT! Spider-Man is here!

Y/n: wha-

(You turn back around and see Spider-Man fighting that thing .)

Y/n: what is going on!!

Spider-Man: excuse ma'am I don't think you should be here!

Y/n: actually I am looking for my friend his name is Peter Parker.

Spider-Man:Peter Parker? I saw him
go that way!

Y/n: thank you I guess.

(You walk towards the Spider-Man pointed)

Y/n: Peter!!!! Are you serious!

(The monster grabs you )

Spider-Man: put her down !


Spider-Man: Alice ! Put her down !

Y/n: Alice?


Y/n: hey ! Petron?


Y/n: could you please put me down I have done nothing to you ?


(Alice/petron drops you ,you try to scream but you were into much shock Spider-Man grabs you before you could touch the floor)

Spider-Man: are you ok ma'am ?

Y/n: what the fuck?!

Spider-Man:ma'am you have to go now before that thing gets you again !

(You get out of Spider-Man's arms and run as fast as you can ,to where you and your family were staying ,still hoping Peter was there)

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