You're Spider-Man?!!

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(Christmas break )

(Trip to France)

Y/n: Peter?!

(You enter your hotel room where you Peter)

Y/n: Peter what the actual fuck ?!

Peter: y/n I know what you're about to say let me ex-

Y/n: you left there!what kind of friend does that ?! God I am so angry at you right now , it's not even funny!

Peter: I am so so sorry y/n my aunt may called me so I left to pick it up and when I hang up and was walking towards you Ali- I mean a monster pops out of nowhere?!

Y/n: you could have told me ! I almost died looking for you!

Peter: I am sorry .

Y/n:you should be ?!

Peter: can we just forget about all of this and order room service?

Y/n: do you know expensive room service is?

Peter: please!!!

(Does a really restarted smile)

(You smile )

Y/n: fine.

Peter:thank you ! Oh! We should totally watch a movie !

Y/n: you know that's a great idea!

(Time skip your watching the movie and eating room service , then suddenly you hear something crash really loud!)

Peter:what was that ?

Y/n: I don't know . Let me go check .

(You get up out of bed and check through the window)

Y/n: WOW! It looks like that monster thing is back ! Come see it ! Peter?

(You turn around to see that Peter is not there , so you start to look for him in the hotel . This kept happening every time a villain came around )

Y/n: no ! Peter I don't believe because we have been in Italy for a month. Now-

Peter:it's actually France-

Y/n: I don't care ! You keep disappearing, the next you disappear out of nowhere we will be talking!

Peter: OK! I get it and I am sorry!

Y/n's mom: guys ! Oh than god you're here .

Y/n: what?

Y/n's mom : haven't you heard that thing is attacking France again!

Peter: wha- right now?!

Y/n's mom: yes. Well I am going to pack after this is done we are going back to New York !

Y/n: k ! Me and Peter are right behind you . Let's go Peter . Peter?

(You turn you head and see no one , and at this point you're just disappointed)

Y/n: ughhh!!! PETER! God I can't believe you right now !

(After Spider-Man fought Alice/petron you were on your way back to New York )

(Peter calls you)

Peter: y/n: where are you ?

Y/n: oh you know just going back to New York without you !

Peter:wait !wait ! Are you on the plane ?

Y/n: that's none of your concern! Goodbye Peter!

Peter: wait please don't hang up just tell are you in the plane or not?

Y/n: no I am not I am about in 30 minutes!

Peter:ok I'll be there.

Y/n: Peter wha-

(He hangs up)

Y/n: son of a bi-

Y/n's dad: sweetie I am about to order food , do you want something?

Y/n: could you order me 2 larger fries and 2 sprites.

Y/n's dad: what so much ?

Y/n: just incase.. I am really hungry!

Y/n's dad: ok...?

(Your dad leaves)

Peter: hey!

Y/n: ahh!! Peter that was not funny!

Peter: I am sorry .

Y/n: don't even talk to m-

Peter: let me explain please!

Y/n: what your aunt may called again ?

Peter: no I-

Y/n: whatever Peter-

Y/n's dad : kiddo I brought your fries -ohh hello Peter .

Peter: hello .

Y/n's dad: I'll just leaves this here(he puts the fries and drink on a chair and leaves)

Peter: come with me .

Y/n: what?! No! Our plane is about to board in 10 minutes!

Peter: if you want to know why I am always leaving then come!

Y/n: why can't you tell right here?

Peter: because I can't!

Y/n: fine!

(You follow Peter to a room)

Y/n: are you going to tell me now?!

(Peter looks around one more time to check if anyones hearing us)

Peter: ok I am going to tell you but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone .

Y/n: why-

Peter: y/n you have to promise !

Y/n: fine I promise !

(Peter whispers)

Peter: I am ... I M Spider-Man...

( you look shock and then start getting mad)

Y/n: seriously Peter! Stop joking around!

(Peter looks at you dead in the eye)

Peter: y/n I am not lying.

Y/n: wait you're not ?

( Peter shakes his head no )

Y/n: what the f-(Peter covers your mouth )

Peter: shhhhh!

Y/n: OMG . My best friend is Spider-Man?!

Peter: yeah I am but you can't tell anyon-

???: the plane to New York is now boarding, the lane to New York is now boarding.

Y/n: shit! Come we have to go before we miss our plane !

(You both leave the room and go on to the plane )

Y/n's mom: where were you guys?!
Y/n: uhm we were ...

Peter:in the bathroom! Yeah totally.
Y/n: yeah..

Y/n's mom: just take a sit please!

(You both sit next to each other)

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