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"WHY IS MADDIE SO GODDAMN PERFECT!" Daniela screamed at herself. God every since high school Daniela had seemed to have tantrums a lot more. She knew it was " acting her age" but she already new she wasn't perfect and never would be. She checked her phone. No notifications from work. Her business was not picking up quick and she has no money. Why was living a life like this so hard? Why did she always become compared with maddie? Did she deserve this? Absolutely Maddie thought to herself. Why would it be true? Maddie always acted like a charm but for Daniela Maddie was a curse. But Maddie was never mean or rude. She was just too perfect. WAY too perfect for Daniela. Daniela then took a deep breath. She wasn't going to survive. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and wandered back inside.

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