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It is official, I am not an early bird. Even as we traveled to Disney World's Hollywood Studios in the leather seated charter bus, I am not an early bird. We were surprised that morning to an early park breakfast buffet as an addition to our Fine Arts Disney World trip with the Heritage orchestra. The sunrise was the perfect amount of yellow and pink and the air was the perfect amount of pastries and morning dew. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that I needed to poop. I forced myself to hold it in for the past three days, trying to find the best time and place to go. Unlike Marian, I did not want to stink up our hotel bathroom, or unlike Samantha who stunk up the bus bathroom.

"Leah. It is the third day. We talked about this, you should not be embarrassed," Marian said, with her yellow hat practically covering her eyes making it impossible to take her seriously.

"Why do you care? Just go to the bathroom! I just went on the bus and no one even noticed," Samantha insisted.

"Trust me, I noticed and it is not that easy," I countered hesitantly.

"I kinda need to go too," Irna agreed as she devoured the breakfast buffet. I was always a shy pooper, so no way was I about to go into the crowded bathroom at breakfast---so I held it.

Our number one goal for this trip was to ride every single ride, so we started pondering the many options we had and the many places we could go to poop. There was just one problem that stood between me and a poop---we were stuck in the breakfast room for the next twenty minutes. I tried to ignore the feeling and enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity in the parks. Just as I thought Mr Herrmann, our music director, was going to release us, he made an announcement.

"Alright guys! We are now going to an attraction before the park opens," Mr. Herrmann announced. We cleaned up our table and grabbed our drawstring bags. As we journeyed across the Hollywood studios park to Toy Story Mania, we plotted the best plan to poop.

"We have to find a secluded, empty bathroom to take a peaceful poop," suggested Irna. I immediately knew this plan sucked. Secluded bathrooms can be peaceful, but we all agreed that there are no empty bathrooms in Disney World, so I suggested my idea.
"Why don't we find a really crowded bathroom so that when we poop no one will know it's us?" I said. This plan worked flawlessly every time. Irna immediately agreed and we were ecstatic about our journey to the most crowded bathroom in Disney---Star Wars. But first, even while constipated, I demolished my friends in Toy Story Mania. Without looking at our ride picture, we rushed to the Star Wars bathroom because we both could not hold it in anymore. Stumbling over our toes and dodging baby strollers, we arrived at the bathroom and it had a line! This was absolutely perfect. We patiently waited in line, so excited to relieve ourselves until it was finally our turn. I got a corner stall while Irna traveled to the other side of the bathroom. We winked at each other and submerged ourselves between stall doors. It was time. My hands were moist with sweat and my heart began to rapidly beat. Now was the time, and all I needed to do was execute my plan perfectly. For the most part, I succeeded. There was limited smell, noise, and I was ready to continue my journeys in the park, until I realized something devastating. I thought to myself, this can not be happening, but it was---the toilet would not flush.

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