Chapter One

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Kiz Jones zipped up her canvas duffle bag bursting at the seam with clothes. Parked close to the verandah, her boots clonked down the stairs on the cement driveway. The thud of her bag sounded loud in the quiet street as she threw it in the back of her Land Rover, dogs howling at the odd racket early in the morning. She carefully hung her silk dress on the grab handle, the gorgeous light lavender colour shimmering under the streetlights. The smell of city smog suffocated her, and she could not wait to fill her lungs with fresh, crisp country air. She'd dreamed of escaping the rat race for long, and now the wide open road was beckoning. The five-hour drive to Yass Valley meant a cascade of things; wind downtime from a bustling hospital, singing at the top of her lungs and navigating new territory. The purpose of the long-distance trip, into the rolling hills, rallied around this dress. If she forgot it, she would never forgive herself. Thoughts flickered of sunsets, mountains and greenery, so much contrast from Newcastle, the town where she had lived all her life. There was a prominent skip in her step as she rounded the side of the car and opened the driver's door. Looking out of the windscreen, the first sunlight crept over the brick houses lining the street. The heat was already intruding, so she turned the air conditioner on low. Her street was lifeless and the sound of her old car idling echoed. A month away from the city lights is just what she needed, especially now she had finished her third year in Nursing at the John Hunter Hospital. She planned to take a month's break before she entered the hustle and bustle of another year. At the mention of Myah and Lucas's wedding, she couldn't help but jump at the chance to getaway. She hadn't seen her best friend since last year and had promised her then she would try her hardest to get down to the farm. It was inevitable between study and work commitments to get a decent break. But here it was and she was ready.

                The traffic lights and bustle of the city soon changed to wide open paddocks the further she drove. By now, the sun was up and blaring heat through the bug splattered windscreen. She cranked up the air conditioner a bit more to combat the stuffy feeling inside— it was only going to get hotter the further west she went. Driving the Hume Highway, she ogled at the vast paddocks surrounding her. There was something about this country she missed. The smell, the views and the space—made her feel homesick. The only problem was that it had never been her home. She pushed her oversized sunglasses to the top of her freshly highlighted hair and checked her face in the rear vision mirror.  She had decided there was no point putting makeup on for the lengthy drive, and plus it was nice to just throw up her hair and let her skin breathe. The less maintenance, the better. Country music pumped out of the speakers captivating her into a world she only dreamed of.

The shrill from the speakers pierced her ears as the music stopped and was intercepted by her ring tone. It was Myah.

                "Hey, babe!" She answered excitedly.

                "Hey Kiz, how are you?"

                It was so good to hear from Myah, she had missed her a lot.

                "I'm bloody great. I should be there in a couple more hours. I'm going to stop for a bite to eat soon, and I'm busting for a loo break."

                "I can't wait to see you, just checking you didn't forget your dress? Or your guitar?"

                "They're riding in the back, would never forget my most important items." She laughed, knowing how important both would be.

                "Ooh, I'm so excited! I can't wait to hear the rehearsal."

                "Me too, I think you're going to love it."

                "Ahh, drive safe!"

                Kiz Smiled, "Always, love you. See you soon!" Unable to contain her excitement she began belting out the tunes again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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