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Btw chapter 5 is the best in my opinion

Harry and Olivia had just finished getting it down in a porta potty on the border of Doncaster England when all the sudden Harry wanted to do it again because he said the first time ms olive oils badussy was too crusty and smelt like breadsticks but he trusted that it would be better this time

so he started into Olivia's aquamarine rainbow orbs and said

" yo livvypoo one more?"

And she was like

"k. Bet"

so then they did it again and while they were Harry felt a sudden need to rip of Olivia's nose and shuv it up his butt hole (no homo)
      so he did but not bc he is gay just cause Olivia's crusty dusty baby hole COULDN'T satisfy him.

      "Oh yes Harry that is PerFect"

Olivia moaned. She always knew what to say to please Harry and Harry knew what to say to please Olive Garden so he said

" yassss slay queen pussy boss!"

Because olivia is a girl boss feminist. Then Olivia's mustard flooded Harry's ear holes.

    Harry was done so he stood and started feeling sick so he went to the bathroom and peed in a pregnancy test. When two lines popped up he knew he had to propose so he made a plan!

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