Chapter 1 - A dream of the past

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" Wake up Asim! C'mon little bro, up up up! "

" Selene?.. Ugh why is it so dark. "

"Because you have not even opened your eyes silly! C'mon, I made your favourite breakfast so ill see you downstairs k Asim? "

The next thing I knew, I felt a warm head pat being placed upon my head before footsteps fading away. I opened up my eyes and looked around. I was in my bedroom. I decided to rub my eyes open to try get a bit more awake, and that worked. I hopped out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. god I look like I came from the forest because of how dirty I am. Best to get myself cleaned then. So with that, I grabbed a pair of new clothes and head to the bathroom while grabbing a towel too. Some time later I came out of the bathroom squeaky clean. A new pair of clothes on and some boots. I then head downstairs and to the dining room where Selene just put the food onto the table.

" Ah I see your finally awake little brother! And clean too, c'mon then, sit down. "

I did as asked and sat across from my sister where my plate of breakfast was placed. I then looked at the two empty chairs at the table. I just looked down before feeling a hand being placed in mine.

" Hey. I get it, you still miss them don't you.. I do too.. But as long as you have me around, you will be a-o-k! "

She gave me an honest look in her eyes with her soft-toned voice of reassurance. When we smile, it doesn't show because its hidden behind our skull looking faces, but I can feel she gives a smile and that she tells the truth. We have already lost mom and dad.. And since then, you have been working hard on your job to provide for the house.. I don't get to see you very often anymore, and I don't want to lose you.. I shook my head and nodded  at Selene before eating my food as she did the same. 

" You know, today is my last day of work right? And if I'm correct, your birthday too! "

I raised my eyebrows and replied,

" Ah, I forgot it was my birthday today.. And also last day of work? Are they sending you off? What happened??? "

" Silly, I felt like I haven't given you enough sibling time since our parents passing.. So I tried to arrange with the king if I could have a break, a month break. At first he wasn't too keen on it but later on he understood after I explained the reason. Of course ill still be paid even whilst not being at work. I should show you to the king one day, he's a nice fellow and quite big. "

" Ooooh! I see, awesome! Maybe we could go see the kingdom and the king while we are on your holiday! "

She nodded and chuckled as we both finished our foods. She took the plates and told me to wait at the living room. I did as asked and five minutes later she came with a camera. She set the camera up and we both took a picture. She handed me the picture and gave me a huge hug. I asked why she wanted to take a picture. She stayed quiet and told me not to worry. I shrugged it off and she headed out to do her job after putting on her gear and her spear. She should be coming home when the sun starts to go down.


I've been waiting all day, staring out the window and seeing as it had started to get dark. The sun was nearly down and the moon has only just begun to risen. She was suppose to be here ages ago.. I told myself to wait here, but part of me wants to go check what's going on. I debated in my head before sighing and grabbing the lantern. I head off to the path through the forest that she usually takes. Some time later I saw some lights being dimly lit from afar, near the city gates. I approached and it seems like a crowd of people. I tugged on one of the peoples shirts to get their attention and they looked over my way.

" Oh? What are you doing here little one? "

They crouched to my height.

" I was looking for my sister Selene, she was suppose to be arriving home before but she had not. So I came to see if she's here, since she works as a guard. Also why are you guys crowded over here? "

They stayed quiet and looked at some of the others who glanced over to see what was going on with the kid. They looked back at me and grabbed my hand.

" I think you should see yourself kid.. "

They looked down before grabbing my hand and going through the crowd. The crowd let us pass easily before pointing down to what seemed like a pool of blood and... 

" Selene! "

I ran over and crouched down to Selene, inspecting her wound. She was stabbed in the arm and chest.. But who, who would attack my sister?.. She was so nice and we have already had the burden of losing our parents, but now my sister?.. I hugged her close to me as I checked her pulse. There was none. Her eyes didn't even have her glowing pupils anymore.. So why did she suffer the same death as our parents. I started shaking and crying quietly as I held onto her bandana. Everything around us went dark. No more faint glowing from the peoples torches, no more murmuring, only me and my dead older sibling. I cried for what felt like five minutes before seeing a dim light up ahead. It was mom and dad.. I looked at Selene but she wasn't there anymore, she was with mom and dad, hugging them. I continued to cry as I got up and ran towards them. They only gave me a glance before turning away and walking off as I suddenly felt shackles on my legs, making me trip and chip a tooth a bit. I looked back up to see they weren't there anymore, and that now I was alone in this dark void.

I woke up suddenly while panting and felt my face. I had been crying in my sleep. I calmed myself down and looked down, before getting dressed. New clothes, shoes and putting her bandana over my locket. I passed the family photo and went downstairs to check for any food. there was none and I was gonna have to pay for the house soon just to keep it. I clenched my fists and looked at the house. It was gonna need to be repaired too. I think today would be a good day to get a job. If I'm not turned down that is.. I opened the door and went out of the house, closing the door behind me and head down to the kingdom. 


Word count: 1200

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