Part 15

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Drake:ok so Blake what is our next destination
Blake:so there is this museum where I was headed where I believe there could be a treasure
(Gavin turns his GPS to the Vegas museum)
Blake:problem is I have no clue where to look first
Helen:oh that's no problem go in the van where Craig is he has all of our tech supplies
(The RV stops and Blake goes into the front of the van)
(Drake gets a text)
Drake:ok guys there are 3 different destinations in the museums the treasure could be
(Drake has a group call with Blake and josh)
Blake:some of the group has to go to the storage basement probably heavily guarded another room is the new art and sculptures and finally it could be in a closed off area near the owners office
Walter:I'm going down into the basement
Drake:me and Helen will follow you
Mindy:josh crazy Steve you're with me with the new art and sculptures
Meghan:I guess I get Blake and Eric going to the owners office
Craig:I'm setting up three different cameras each group take one so I can monitor you guys also each of you take a walk-in ta
Gavin:I'll stay in the car I'll be the getaway driver
Drake:we need to get in and out
Josh:we need to attract as little attention as possible
Blake:as long as we stay in our groups we should be fine

A/n:yes I know it's been a long time I'm working longer hours now and also writing new stories but don't worry I'll make this quick just wanted to let you know that this story is not over most of the stories I have in my Wattpad are works in progress I hope you guys Will continue to read this story

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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