Drake and josh adventnture opening

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(Josh is getting off the phone)
Josh:u know drake can annoy me to my limits
(Drake is spiting spitballs on the celling)
Drake:josh is fun....to mess with
Josh:like this one time
Drake:like this one time
Josh:I wanna ed to go see this movie with drake
Drake:me and josh were going to see this insane movie but we had no car to drive with
Josh:so we got all this money that I saved up but it still was not enough to get on a bus
Drake:josh wanted to split some money to get on a bus
Josh:I thought it would be fair but I could find drake
Drake:I didn't want to waste money so I snuck out and got a drive with this girl
Josh:than I saw of picture of drake on his way to the movie so I had to ride my bike
Drake:I think I forgot to mention it was winter so we got the the movies
Josh:my bike slipped on the ice and I could not get to the movies
Drake I got free refills
Josh:I got frost bite

Drake and josh on a adventure Where stories live. Discover now