Chapter IV

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   Since Kazuko's death, Amay is only a shadow of herself and could not stop crying, she is a prisoner of her own nightmares and her days are similar.

   Since then, a flood of blood could not stop flowing into his heart and eyes.

   Kazuko's death caused her to be lost. Her sick heart told her :

« — Stay at home, you know very well that you deserve to suffer. »

   But her soul had a completely different opinion, she told her :

« — If you continue like this, you will die of grief. Go outside, avoid thinking about all this! Forget all those bad memories, and remember all those wonderful moments spent with her. »

   Amay doesn't know what to do. For her, going out means staring at everyone who knows the truth, or blaming herself because relatives offer her their condolences. But staying means dying, so what will Amay choose ? Should she lock herself up like a recluse, live on water and prayer to hope to see her wife's beautiful face again in the afterlife, if only for a short time?

« — I don't deserve to tread this land anymore, I don't care if I die. »

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