Explanation chapter

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Hello readers, how are you ?

I wanted to make a chapter to explain what I wanted to tell through this book even if I don't know If some readers are asking some questions in the comment section.

First of all, let start with the names. Yes, even the names are important to understand the story because they can give you a hint of what happened even if you had to read this chapter to understand everything.

The name Kazuko means Harmonious child.
Machiko means calm in Japanese.
And Amay means Night Rain in Japanese.

Now, let me explain the contexte because maybe you don't fully understand.

• Let me start with the prologue. All the chapter explain how Amay feel since Kazuko death. The fireworks are what she felt when her heart broke. Kazuko didn't die when they were watching the fireworks and Amay was not close enough to the fireworks for burning herself.

• Let's continue with the chapter I :

In this chapter, I describe the physique of both characters in relation to yin and yang.

Amay is the yin so the black side which represents the feminine principle, the moon, darkness, coolness, receptivity.

And Kazuko who is the yang represents the masculine principle, the sun, luminosity, heat, momentum, action.

I don't think I need yo explain chapters II and III.

• So let me continue with chapters IV :

In this chapter, Amay is in front of her wife's grave and you can easily understand that Amay is fighting against her thoughts telling her to live or die and that she is hiding a heavy secret. A secret that some know and that others are completely unaware of her existence, and that she blames herself enormously for that. This secret is discovered in the penultimate chapter but I don't think you understood it so I will explain it to you.

• Let's continue with the chapter V :

You can easily figure out that it was Machiko who killed Kazuko, but you don't know who it is. Machiko is actually Amay who changed her first name after the death of her wife. Amay did not blame herself directly after her death, but the inhabitants who know her secret decided to change her first name which suited her much better.

• Finally, let's finish with the Epilogue:

In this chapter, Amay decided to kill herself. This tunnel represents the passage to the world of the dead, and Amay finds her wife Kazuko. She was ready to do anything to be forgiven but Kazuko doesn't care. She lost all her feelings for Amay because of this betrayal.

There you have it dear reader, I hope this chapter has helped you. If not, you can ask your questions in the comments. See you soon in another book, kisses!

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