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I forgot what this one was called, because I was writing it on a piece of paper and I didn't write the title down. So here you go.

I see you with another girl. The same girl that broke your heart. The same girl that played you. The same girl that you cried over for days, but now your with her, next to her, walking with her, looking into her eyes and smiling. Acting like nothing ever happened. What about me? I asked you out and you gave me a big ass fucking letter saying that you can't because of the things that you go through. Saying that your sorry, but are you really? You leave me stranded and alone. I have no idea what I'm waiting for. For you? I guess I'm waiting for you to break my heart again. Waiting for you to say no, or waiting for you to look into my eyes and say that you care about me but the next day avoid me and act like nothing has happened. What's wrong with me? Am I ugly? Stupid? Annoying? I know I get mad a lot but I can't help it. I'm not fucking perfect. I'm nowhere near. No one is.

My fucked up poemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora