My mind

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Sorry forgot to do something,

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------TRIGGER---------------

He sits on his bed,

Gripping his knees,

Remembering things he doesn't want to remember,

Remembering all his sins he regrets,

Remembering his dad that's a prick,

His mom,

His stepbrother,

His friends,

His boyfriend,

At least he thought he was his boyfriend,

He grips his knees harder,

As he remembers his words,

Lot so long ago.

When he said what he said,

He felt like,

Like he was being stabbed one thousand times,

He felt like he was just lying there,

And letting someone burn him alive,

He was piss off,

He didn't show it,

But he fucking was.

He just wanted to pick up a fight,

Right there,

He wanted to kick someone's ass,

Kill someone maybe.

But instead he stomped his way home,

Cause if he shows his anger,

Someone will end up dead.

Now he's sitting in his bedroom,

Surrounded by the holes in the walls,

He had made so long ago,

But he doesn't have the strength for punching right now,

So he's forced to think about it.

The tears start coming,

He can't stop them,

He wipes them away,

Like if they have burned him as they came down.

'Stop crying. Stop crying.'

He repeats to himself.

He goes to the other side of his room,

Opening a cabinet,

And pulling out a knife.

He examines it,

It's shiny,

He can see his reflection,

He has never used it,

Until now.

He stole the knife from his dad a long time ago,

Knowing he was going to have to use it,

For this.

He's tired of everything,

The anger,

The hurting,

The hitting,

The suffering,

Just.... everything.

He points the tip of the knife towards his chest.

Tears still rushing down his cheeks.

'I'm sorry.'

He whispers,

'For everything.'

(Hi. I am really bored. And this was in my mind. I changed it, I don't really have a stepbrother, or a boyfriend, and I'm not a boy. It's for mine and Jazmine story. But it's my thought...... Thoughts, whatever. I didn't think it was going to be this long.)

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