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Carter made it to his apartment and called Camilla he was tried of guesting he wanted to know if she was pregnant for real. She answered the phone after three rings, " Hello." Cater quickly stated, " A we need to meet and talk, when are you available." Eager to see him she said, " I have to drop the office for a few, but I'm free in bout an hour". He replied, "Okay me meet the bar near Bryant and Te'meeka's." She confirmed then hung up the phone. Carter walked to the bathroom and preceded to get his self dressed for the day. He showered then came into his room to find something to wear. Before he entered his cloest he turned on his satellite radio and Bryson Tiller "Sorry not Sorry", came blurring through the speakers. He went to the closet and grabbed a whiteJordan T-shirt, a pair of blue Jordan sweatpants, and the blue and white Jordan 5's. He dressed and then walked to the dresser and spayed on some of his Jordan cologne. Then he texted his sister London and informed her he had to handle something he be there shortly. Carter exited his apartment and bumped into his neighbor Nichole, she knew him from his life in the street. Nichole was the little sister of the guy he use to run with name Steve, whose now serving a bid upstate. They engaged into small talk he moved her across the hall from him after everything went south with her brother. He was only trying to be a good dude, but Nichole wants more then to be just neighbors. Nichole is very attractive brown skinned, 5'8" tall, cat like brown eyes, fat juicy lips, 32B breast, 23' waist, with a firm tight plump ass. She use to strip but that was just to help pay for cometictalogy school. Now she's a fitness instructor and owns a hair salon purchased with her brothers money, and the other half came from Carter. They made a deal that Carter would take 20% of her profit every month, in which he put on her brother's books but she doesn't' know that's what he did with his portion. Carter and Steve never talked via phone or mail, but the money was on his books like clock work so he never complained. Carter looks at his phone and explained to Nichole he had to go, they hugged and said their goodbyes so the could move about their day. Carter hits the elevator button and it opens he enters and hit the lobby button. Raven and Layla lay next to each other getting full body massages. Layla ask, " So what's up with you and ole dude", Raven replies, " You mean Carter, I really like him". Layla then looks over at her and comments, "Damn it was be good, you all sprung and defensive". They both bust out laughing, then Layla jumps into her protective mode all though Raven is the fighter out the two she always saw been protective over her. Layla bluntly asks, " You sure he don't have any other women?" Raven the responses, " His ex did come to his apartment the first time we made love, but I think she just fishing in water that then dried up". Layla then replies, " Are you sure." Raven says " Definitely, the Layla jokes, " Because you might end up in a minaj". Raven curiosity kicks in and she asks, " How did it feel when you were with another woman sexually?" Taken by Raven's question she explains, " It was kool they know how and where to touch you, but they can't put that dick on you like a man, fuck that dildo and strap on shit its nothing like the real thing". They entertain each other for the rest of their spa treatment with small talk. Carter reachs the bar he informed Camilla to meet, soon as pulls up he get a text from Camilla. " Where are you I'm here", He steps out of his truck and texts back, "Walking in now." Sitting in her car watching him the entire time, once he walks into the bar she grabs one of the tracking devices and places it on the frame of his truck behind the driver tire. Then she walks to the bar and enters the door. Soon as she spots Carter at a booth in the corner she smiles and makes her way over. As she takes a she cross fro him she greet him say, "Hey," Carter response, " What's up". Then she trys to make small talk by asking, "How is your day?", He irritably respond, "Let just cut the small talk and get to why were here, Are You Pregnant or Not". Nearly shouting the last part which makes Camilla tension up, then replies," Yes I was feeling sick about two weeks ago, so I went the doctor and he confirmed that it was due to pregnancy." The he asked, " Whose is it?," The comment made her turn defensive and angrily ask, " They say I'm almost three months pregnant you do the math, we were a couple three months ago". Carter quickly shoot back, " That's what I though to until you had sex with my cousin". The remark had her taken aback, but it also remind it her she did have minaj with his cousin so it might be his baby. She quickly dismissed that because she wanted it to be Carter's badly. Her silent made him believe even more she was not for sure but she didn't want him to know that. Before he could get a word out she stated, " Its yours I slipped up one time and it was protected are you going to hold that over my head forever." Carter stood and began to make his way to the door, before he walked away he said," When you get some proof hit my line." With that statement he left the bar hopped in his truck and head for the Pizza parlor. Camilla sat though it mite be his cousins because after the minaj with his cousin, Carter refused to have sex with her it's like he already knew before it came to light. A waitress came to the table and asked, "Did you and your guy have an disagreement". She responded, " No everything fine, I'm a little parch can you bring me a water." The waitress left to retrieve the beverage and Camilla's mind quickly shifted to how she was gone to get the spy cam's into Raven's house. Then she came up with the idea that once she put the tracking device on her vehicle, she could sneak in while she not home. The though of paying her old crack head cousin help her, he used to own a locksmith company until the drugs took control of his life. The waitress reappeared with the glass of water, she drank it like she was about die of thirst. She tipped the waitress $10 then head for the door and out to her car. She got into her car then decide to Google Raven and that she did. Carter reached the Pizza parlor in a time of rush hour, it was so packed he had to go around to the back alley just to enter the building. It was chaotic like this on the weekends because kids out of skool came to hangout and play games. Saturday was usually customer appreciation day where you buy one get one half price ,with a free side and beverage. London was in the kitchen whipping up another batch of the secret sauce for the pizza and wings. Carter tapped her on the shoulder and then said, " One day I'm going to figure how you make that sauce". London looked over her shoulder and replied, " Probably not, if I do that then you wouldn't need me and probably would sell this place to one of those big franchises". He quickly responded, " I will always have a place for you, and this is your place I just get a little bit of what you bring in." Then he smiled at her with his famous devilish grin, that kept him out of trouble with her whenever he acted up as a kid. She couldn't resist it but she commented back , " I'll just past along to the next generation." Then she looked over at him, total shock covered his face. London that it was from her respond, but he though maybe Camilla did say something to her. He then replied, " What's that suppose to mean?" She answered, " O just wondering when your going to start having kids I ain't getting no younger, I mean I wanna be an Aunt before I'm 50." London smiled and went back to working on her sauce, Carter commented, " Your a mess" then walk to the office.

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