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When Raven woke she found Carter not next to her. He wrote a note and left it on the nightstand next to her. The note read: Raven I really had the time of my life spending this weekend with you wish It was eternal, I have make a quick run meet my for dinner I'll call you with the location and time xoxox. That touched her heart a man who wanted to be with her for more than just the sexual activity. She shoot to the living to see what needed to be tighten up in there. To her surprise it was squeaky clean not a sign that anyone was in their. She though to herself Carter must have cleaned because she knew for sure it was messy in there after their movie night. She proceeded to the kitchen which was clean as well not a sign that any food at ever been cooked or eaten in there. Raven figure she would go to her office and check her computer for any work related e-mails or memos for the work week starting back tomorrow. Once she reach the office threshold her phone began ringing, so she shot to her room in a hurry to retrieve it. Before she could make it there the person on the other end hung up, so she checked her miss call alert to find that it was Layla. She quickly press the dial button on her iPhone. Layla picked up commenting, "Dang what was you doing?, bet not be sleep or laid up it's Sunday we going to church." Raven replied, " Ain't nobody laid up nowhere, and didn't church start an hour ago its almost 12 o'clock," oh did she wish Carter was still there. Layla shook her head in disgust of Raven's ignorant, then responded, " The late service starts at 12:30, we can make that one". Raven then said, " Give me about 15 minutes and I meet you there I gotta hop I the shower." Layla agree the told her, " 15 minutes or I'm tell the pastor on you", then she hung up the phone. Raven rushed to the shower, thinking I'm not ready for her craziness today. Carter had to open the Pizza parlor that was the only day he opened it, because his sister attended morning church services and her church didn't let out until 2 pm. So he worked the morning shift which was often wasn't busy because most people were recovering from the night before or at church. Day'veon came over about 11 o'clock after his class, it was the only class on Sunday. That because his professor was an atheist, he believed that Sunday was the beginning of the work week and convinced the college to let him have class on that day since their was plenty of open room for it. Once Day'veon got to Mr.C Pizza parlor they mostly just cracked jokes and talk about sports. They both discussed the women in their lives but never used any name, only thing the implied was " My new woman" or " The new sparkle of my eye". Raven jumped into her car around 12:20 rushing out the driveway to the express way, she made it to the church around 12:35 and saw Layla just walking in herself. She fixed her makeup,fiddled with her hair, and adjusted her blazer before hopping out her Mercedes to be stared down by the church gossipers. She gave them a fake hello and push right pass them into the church. Once she reach the sanctuary she located Layla and scrutinized her about her tardiness. They enjoyed a little laugh together then turned their attention to the service. Camilla was on here way to meet her Uncle Spook when she noticed on her tracker that neither Raven or Carter were at their residents. So she sped to Spook in the attempt to make to Raven's place in time to plant the cams. Once reach Spook girls house she called him and told him to come outside. He shot out the door before she could hang up her phone, all she could do was shake her head and say to herself, " This nigga's thirsty". He hopped in the car and greeted her, " What's up niecey". She informed him that they were going to do the job today and asked, " You got your tools her". Before he answered he asked, " So am I getting paid in full for my work today?" He sided then replied, " Yeah I will stop by the bank after we're done." Spook shot out the car and emerged from the garage with a big blue work bag. He jumped into the her Impala and they made their way to Raven's place. They drove for about 20 minutes before pulling in front of Raven's suburban home. She pulled a couple house away and explained to her uncle. That this was one of her clients fiance home, and she needed him to get her inside so she could plant so spy cam's for him. He brought the story, Camilla grabbed a back book bag and they got out and proceed to the back of the house. They came to the back porch doors where Camilla watched Carter and Raven have an intimate session. Spook examined the lock pad, then he went into his bag and pulled out he tool he need to crack the lock. It took him about 5 minutes then you heard a click and he turnrled the knob and the door opened. No alarm went off or anything, so they slowly creep inside and closed the door behind them. Once she made sure no one was home Camilla searched to find the best places to hide the cams. After about a 10 minute browse she decide on the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and office. She place the bedroom spy cam on the ceiling into the corner angled toward the bed. Next she place the office cam the same way she did the bedroom spy cam. Then she went back to the bathroom and place the cam above the shower head on the shower ceiling. Last she set up the kitchen cam on top the refrigerator, because she felt it could she the entries kitchen and part of the living and back from that angle. The spy cams are wireless so they were small and easy to hide and disguise. She left Spook on the back porch, so when she when finished she ask him to go through the rooms she choose and see if he could first one of the cams. He was unsuccessful in his search so that satisfied her and she had him fix the back porch lock then the left. They creep back to her car and she made sure that either Raven or Carted were anywhere near them on her phone, she had the tracking device app updated to her phone so she could track them and watch all the cams from her phone. Then she pulled off to make her way to the ATM, so she could pay Spook for his help and keep him quite. The pulled up to a local First Merit bank about a block away from Spook's girls, Camilla parked and got out the car and walked up to the ATM. She withdrew $400 from her account, $300 was for her uncle and the rest was for some lingerie she was getting to surprise Day'veon. She headed back to her car gave Spook the cash and dropped him back at his girls, before he exited the car she reminded him, " That's our little secret unc remember". He ensured her he wouldn't tell a soul then he hopped out the car and practically ran in the house smiling ear to ear. Camilla decided before she made her move to go lingerie shopping she would go home and make sure the view was perfect for the spy cams at Raven's and Day'veon's places. Day'veon left Mr C's about an hour ago and he sat at home trying to figure out what to do. He wanted to go shot a little basketball, but Carter informed him that he had at date later and his other buddies were still recovering from partying the night before. He walked in his bedroom and decide to just play a little bit of NBA 2k17. As he powered on the system and the flat screen it reminded him of what he and Camilla did earlier that day. He put 2k in the system walked to his bed laid back on his bed with the PS4 remote in hand waiting on the game to load. He grabbed his phone out his pocket and texted Camilla, " Hey cutie what you into". She was sitting in front her laptop making sure all the cams were connected and displaying correctly. Her phone alert went off to inform her of a text soon as she clicked on the can displaying Day'veons room. She saw how he waited with phone sitting next to him on the bed and concluded it was him texting. She grabbed her phone and texted back, " Just checking on somoethings about to make my way to the store". He replied, "Is all you do is work, would you like me to accompany you to to he store?" She responded, " I'm not working at the moment its more of house stuff, and I'm good on the company you would only spoil my surprise". He then responded, " So you thinking about surprising muh?". He went to his music media on the PS4 and turned on Rae Sremmurd, Gucci Mane song "Black Beatles" and started playing the game. Camilla texted him, "Yeah I think you would really like it, you don't have plans tonight do you?" He paused the game once she felt the alert vibration and replied, " No why you wanna see me". She laughed because she could see the excitement on his face then she texted, " See you later handsome BYE." He got saw how the text and got up started dancing and singing to the song with the controller in hand. She sat in front the lab top glued in to his moves and enthusiasm. Camilla admired his skills, he did the running man, hit the quan, dougyed, and he his the whop. Day'veon made all the moves look so smooth and relaxed with good rhythm. She just smiled and watching embracing his skills.

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