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"fuck, matt cant pick me up for another hour and a half. he's out with nick and mom running errands," chris looked up from his phone as we started walking back.

"no, no worries you can just come back to mine and just chill."

"are you sure? i'm so sorry."

i rest my arm against his for reassurance, "seriously it's literally nothing. and don't apologise."

walking back home, conversation flowed naturally between us and our pinkies brushed up against each other. eventually it led to us holding hands, which instinctively felt a little unnatural with chris especially, not sure why.

"holy fucking christ you're so cold, mylah. take my jumper," and he began to take off his jumper.

"no don't because then you'll be cold," i declined his offer.

chris didn't listen and handed me his jumper, "nope. take it, i'm perfectly fine."

reluctantly, i put it on, his scent clinging onto the hoodie. as unusual as it was to me, we continued to hold hands as we chatted and walked. icy pavement crunched under my boots as we skipped the short distance in front of the apartment complex.

"massachusett's actually kind of cool. never know what kind of stuff to expect," i said as i turned the lock.

"i guess so. a bit random at times. but it's almost thanksgiving, that's like next weekend," chris held the door open for me politely.

as he closed the door behind him i asked, "what even is thanksgiving?"

"it's pilgrims and shit and being thankful obviously. you don't have thanksgiving?"

"i've never heard of pilgrims before. must be weird," i immediately turned the heater on and offered him a spot on the couch, "can i get you anything or any drinks?"

"i'm okay. thanks though," he patted the spot next to him and i plopped down next to him.

"what do you wanna watch?" i switched on the tv, flicking through the channels and cable.

"i honestly do not mind. you pick," chris stubbornly said.

i looked at him with that look, "please choose don't be that person."

"fine..... brooklyn 99?" he suggested as it came up on the recommendation.

"good choice."

a comfortable silence clung onto the air, the show acting as white noise in the background.

i shifted my weight on the couch as i built up the courage to ask, "chris?"

"mmhm?" chris responded, not turning his focus from the tv

"this is a bit out of nowhere," i fiddled with my nails, "but i just want to be clear on where we stand. because of like our mums and for our sakes and all that. you don't need to have a clear answer and stuff," i rambled on.

there was a pause and i prayed he felt the same.

"okay.. i'll be fully honest because i'm not into that pussy shit. i don't really think of any of this as properly romantic," as he said that i let out a breath.

"oh thank god it wasn't just me."

chris nodded with a gentle smile, "yeah i'm not sure what it is exactly, but it just doesn't feel right if it was romantic."

"you literally read my mind. i am so relieved to hear that. good friends and that's all, right?" i looked at him sideways, hoping for a response i wanted back.

"deal," and he playfully stuck out his hand, in which i shook, "glad that's cleared up. we are strictly platonic."

"wow platonic, what a big word."

"just like chivalrous," chris brought up with a cheeky grin.

whatever weird feeling i had early, had thankfully relinquished. this whole complication of feelings had just come to a relief. i smiled to myself, as i turned my attention back to the tv, about how we're gonna go back to our mums and give them updates in which they'll probably be disappointed but happy we gave it a shot.

we continued to watch a few more episodes before chris's phone began vibrating violently on the couch pillow.

"holy fuck. why do you have vibrate on its so scary," i jumped.

"to find my phone when i lose it? are you telling me you can't ring your phone when you lose it?" chris looked at me in utter disbelief.

"yeah.." i looked down, ashamed, "i always turn off ringer and vibrate. it's so fucking annoying. can't stand it."

he shook his head in disapproval, but still with a smile as he answered the phone.

"matty boyyyy. what can i do for you?" and i could hear a little voice in the phone.

"okay, okay, coming. calm your titties a bit." chris hung up and shoved his phone in his pocket. "hm.. did i leave anything here?"

i scanned the general vicinity, "oh wait your jumper."

"no it's okay. keep it, i don't mind. a reminder of your platonic best friend," he grinned, "anyways thank you so much for having me mylah, i will see you around."

"see you when i see you christopher," i sent him to the door and gave him a goodbye hug, "ciao!"

"bye!" and off he went down the hallway, sort of lopsidedly skipping.

stupid in love - matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now