
876 12 10

yoo mylahhhh


after class tomorrow do u wanna come hang w dylan and axel?
all g if u don't want to x

ohhh sounds fun
what r we gonna do?

i think we can go round to dylan's place?
not too sure i'll lyk if it changes tho

okay keeen

sick see u tomorrow x


i looked up from my phone as mum walked in through the door.

"heyyy mummm," i dragged out each word.

"fuck. i'm so tired..." she yawned as she dumped her work bag onto the table.

"aww you poor thing. want some dinner? i made rice and chicken."

i went to get up to grab her some, "it's alright love, i got it. ah what did i do to deserve such a great daughter."

"ew don't play that sappy shit on me now," i laughed, "oh mum."


"i went out on a date with chris today... and we've both come to the conclusion that..." i waited for her reaction before i gave her the conclusion.

"and..?" she impatiently asked.

"we both agreed we're better off as just friends. sorry to disappoint. it was completely mutual don't worry, and we both saw our friendship as more platonic."

i mentally prepared for her disappointment, but to my surprise, her reaction was exactly my ideal.

"aw don't worry mylah, i cant force you two into anything so i completely understand. shame though, me and mary-lou thought this could be it," mum gave me a warm hug and assured me it was okay.

"thanks mum," i leaned my head into the crook of her neck with relief.


i rubbed my eyes, attempting to stay awake towards the end of class, feeling my consciousness drift. i felt amber laugh at my attempts to stay awake.

"alright, that's all for today i guess. now come collect your marks from the project and you can head off," the professor shut his laptop.

amber got up and stretched her arms, "that. that went on for wayyy too long, holy shit."

we continued to complain about stupid shit as we packed up and went down the stairs to collect our marks.

"mylah and amber, beautiful job girls," our professor smiled as he handed back our files.

we grinned to each other sideways, keen to check our marks from the professors good sign. i hoped i got a decent mark but i'd honestly be happy with anything. my heart skipped a beat when i turned it over and saw a big red 96% with a smiley face next to it. internally, i was beaming with happiness and boosted my ego so much, the comment reading so many good things.

"how'd you go?" amber finished analysing hers so asked me.

"i did good," i nodded, "i'm really happy with it. how did you go?

"i got a 96!!! i'm so happy!" amber happy squealed and jumped up and down.

"oh my god! same ahhh!!" we hugged each other and hopped up and down in the snow.

we walked towards amber's car as she said, "fuck yeah, go us. we're gonna absolutely crush this semester. i believe in us."

"ah..... i'm so relieved. i truely thought i did average. i gotta tell the triplets," my brain lit up at the idea.

my fingers opened my phone but hovered over who to text, or whether i should make a groupchat, but that might be weird with all of them plus me. however, i found myself texting matt as we drove to dylan and axel's place.

matt!!! brilliant news on the media proj

mylah!!! let me guess
u got 100%

oh shit ur not too far off
i got 96 :))


heheh thankyou matt but it was honestly all to u guys
especially nick, tell him that

will do
but honestly good job on that :)

u r too sweet ty x

i found myself smiling to myself, looking up a bit dazed.

"mylahhh....." amber said in a teasing tone, "what are you grinning like an idiot about now?"

"oh nothing..." i tried to play off.

she pulled the car into park as we arrived, "bullshit. tell me what's up."

"fine okay. it's legit nothing though. i was just telling matt about my mark," i shrugged it off.

"okay. i'm gonna hold onto this for a while and give it a few months i'd say and i'll come back to this."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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