Chapter 2: The Outside

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Someone dropped out of the tree, his bow and arrow pointed at our heads. He looked us up and down, then sighed and put his bow and sheath full of arrows away.

He was a relatively young man. He was about 15 or 16 years old, yet he was almost as tall as Koty's 6'3". His ginger hair grew down oat his shoulders. His eyes were as green as his outfit. He sing his bow across his back. I noticed he had a kind face.

"Is it okay? "The boy asked.

"W-what?" Koty stammered.

"My arrow. Is it okay? That's my last good one." The redhead said.

Again, if looks could kill, the boy would have been an instant crisp

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Again, if looks could kill, the boy would have been an instant crisp.

"Y-your arrow? Your. Arrow? You nearly killed my sister with this arrow, but you care about the arrow, not Elizabeth? " Koty nearly yelled. His face nearly as red as the boy's hair.

The boy scoffed. "You caught the arrow just fine, your sister is unharmed. Now can I have my arrow back? I really need it."

Koty walked up to the boy with the arrow, snapped it in two under his nose, and tossed it on the ground. I noticed his fists were trembling. That was never a good sign. It meant that he wanted to fight. I reached over and grabbed one of his hands.

Koty exhaled sharply, and the trembling lessened. "There's your arrow. Now leave us alone" Koty growled.
We began to walk away.
But the boy wasn't done with us.

"You're just gonna walk away? What is your problem? " The boy asked.
Koty pushed my hand aside, and approached the boy.

"Tell me, what's your name kid? " Koty asked. "That way I can put it on your tombstone when I'm done with you. "

"Ash Williams. At your service my lord." The boy said bowing in mockery. Then Ash leapt up the tree, laughing like a madman the whole wat up. A smoking hot madman at that. What? He was cute.

And I mean, he just jumped up and hopped from branch to branch until he sat down in one of the highest branches.

The look Ash gave Koty was quite condescending. Koty simply looked right up at him and grinned. As for me? I wished I had my popcorn. Koty had never lost a fight.

Koty started climbing the tree, not as fast as Ash, but relatively quick. Koty reached him in no time. They balanced on the tree branch and in a few seconds, Koty had Ash tackled to the ground. Then they started a brawl. Punches flew, kicks landed, and before I knew it, Ash had a knife at Koty's neck.

I screamed. Would Ash kill Koty? Koty looked just as scared as I felt. He had never been bested in a fight.

Then Ash did something I didn't expect. He lowered the knife, and put it away.

"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I don't wanna hurt you guys." Did he have a faint British accent? "How about we start over." He held out his hand "I'm Ash Williams. And you are?"

Koty struggled for breath. "I'm Koty. " then Koty shook his head as though coming out of a daze. He turned aims and sucker punched Ash in the gut. "You still almost killed Elizabeth! Apologize!"

After recovering his wind, Ash turned to me. He was taller than I thought. Also, despite the fact that he was quite lean, he was still muscular. But his smile seemed sweet. "I'm very sorry Elizabeth for putting your life in danger." He said. Yup. Definitely a faint British accent.

"What are you?" Koty asked.

Ash laughed. "Just an elf. Like you."

Koty scoffed. "Yeah. And I'm J-Lo."

"What's Jaylo?" Ash asked. He looked serious.

"You cannot be serious. An elf? Did I hit your head too hard? You would think that long hair would prefer your skull." Dakota teased.

"I'm serious. I'm an elf" Ash insisted. Thinking about it, I found it easy to believe him.

"Koty? I think Ash is being honest. I mean, think about it. That door? That's not really possible. Yet it was. I'm willing to believe that he's an elf." I said.

Dakota shook his head in frustration. Then he seemed to make up his mind. "Ash Williams? Look. Elizabeth and I have an issue. We don't know where we are or how to get home. Can you help?"

Ash shook some leaves out of his hair. "Your in the Runtthru Woods. Just outside of the Mamaroone Hills. About 10 miles west of Silvendale."

"Never heard of any of those places. Are we even on earth?"Koty sneered.

"Second earth, yes. Oh" Realization dawned on Ash's face. "You're from the Inside. That makes sense. But, you look like elves."

"Huh?" We both said at the same time

"You just have this elven aura about you. The beauty, the sites, the strength. But, you're in another world. I can't really get you home. But the High Queen might."

Koty and I were equally confused.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked.

Ash sighed. "I guess I could take you to my house. My parents could help us make a decision."

Koty held me back. Not that I was gonna do anything.

"Why would we come over to a stranger's house? Especially one that nearly murdered my sister?" Koty growled.

"Do you have a choice?" Ash said.

"Actually, yes. We could try to brave it on our own." Koty said.

"Pfft, good luck on that one. You're unprotected. But, your loss." And Ash began walking away.

"Stop!" I objected.

"Well. I guess we could come to your parents house. But no funny business. Okay?" Koty said.

Ash turned around with a grin on his face. "Well then my inexperienced humans. Lemme show you the Outside!"
He then bowed, and showed us on. I only prayed the worst was over.

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