First sights

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"Oo woaaaaaaah" the littel blue haired girl said with all joy and sparkles in the world. Standing on her tiptoes with her chubby,light pinked adorable cheeks and her cute little face she was radiating with joy while looking at the field where was the litte, creame haired, light tanned skin boy, with orange T-shirt and white shorts with detrminded look has just score vectory goal with amazing spinning jump.

She was looking at him attentively all the time and when that moment came she run out of the word with every pore in here radiating with excitement.


After the game was over she eun to the the field try to look for the cream haired boy , but since she was little and there was so many people and perants complementing their children for the match ,she couldn't get closer and take a look but when she heard...

"Oh baby you did so amazing I'm soooo proud of you"

"Thanks mama" with a very sweet smile said to his mother who kissed him on his cheeks affectionately

She looked at the direction to saw the cream haired smiling and talking with his mother , she kept gazing at them until...

"Haru chaaan let's go home i'm hungry "
Her friend told her and took her hand drag her before the athoer could respond

"Emm" she gesture nodded while she turning around and started walking

"Hmh" said the cream head looking in the direction where the blue head was

"What is't baby"

"Hmmm nothing mama"


"He jump to the sky and spinned around and I almost feel like there was a small spark of the flame coming out from him while he shining under the sun and" boooom" he scored in the middle of the goal , mama papa you should see him next time he was soooo ethereal" said the seven years old girl while she with all excitement in the universe narrating to her parents what happened, While her parents dying with cuteness how their girl so radiating with joy

Time skip

He was walking on the street while revision the glossary that his mom told him to brought . Although he just 8 but he is so determined and reliable that his mom count on him. With dark blue bouton T-shirt and white pants while he recheck the glossary he was reeaally cute. He was so focused passing by when he heard sobs he truned around and were saw a little girl with navy blue hair, white button shirts with purple ornaments around the neck and black shorts on the truing to get something and there was a little brown haired boy standing on the ground with tears in his eyes whimpering while looking at the girl

"Don't worry I will get it just wait a sec I almost there......wait yes I cat......"

For the sec everything in slow motion

"Aaaaa" said the brown haired closing his eyes with his palms

While she falling from the tree and before he could realize he was running, but he's little far and .......

"Hey you could hurt your self ,what are you doing over there"

"Em ,ah .. " was all she could say when she opened her eyes and blinked a few time possessing what happened

"Yuki I have been looking for you every where you scared me what I told u about not leave my side" scold the light brown haired man while still carrying haru in his hand

"But dad you were busy with the stuip boooooks" whined the four years old
"Haaaa, it's fine but don't do it again and to Don't do that again that was dangerous "

"Ah ha ha ha I was just trying to brought back his ball, here you go take care ok" said haru with bright smile handed the boy his ball who over joy to have it back

"Now yuki say thank you to sweet onee chan for helping you" said the father while looking down at his son who tuged her shirt to gain her attention and she bended down a little to be in his level and ...

"Chu~" thank you onee chan for brought me back my ball" with a wide, bright smile he kissed her cheek and say goodbye to her ,While she smiling sooo widely at them walking away

All that he was watching the blue head blithely with his eyes shined joyless.....


"Ohh" said the blue head turn around and tilted her head to the direction where the boy was

A gentle breeze blowed ~

Sooooo this the first one I hope u liked it
Leave me your comment and suggestions

Have a nice day 🍃 ~

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