nice meeting

43 1 2

"Humm what going on here " she walked towards the litte gathering peeked

"Yuuka chan" Haruna gasped at the sight of the little girl "are you alright what happened why are you crying an..."

The girl turned at her with crying voice grabbing her dress " Y Yuuka losj Oni jan and Yuuka don't whit going jo do waaaaaah " the girl shaded more tears

"Oooh there there there" Haruna picked yuuka up into her arms " no need to cry we will find him OK also he will found us I guess " she kiss her still crying but she calmed a little

" do you know her " a man from the crowd asked her , she turned at him

" Yes she is my friend little sister , I well handle it from here thank you "

" Okay Yuuka chan let's get you to your Oni chan alright " she said in a soft voice tapping at her nose which she nodded

After she washed her up , setting on the bench she brought to both of them ice-cream

" did you like humm~ "

"Yeh " she giggled happily

" Oni chan said he wil..... " she cut her self when she remember

"O O Oni chan owaaah oooo" she starting to cry again
" No no no no don't cry we will find them okay as i promised " I just called him but it seem he didn't hear it but I will try again see just enjoy your ice-cream till I call him" she said wiping her tears . She searched her list and dialled his number , waiting.......

"Ah, Gouenji senpai how you doing "

" Hello otonashi, I fine you"

" His voice little shaking seem like he of course worried sick about her , poor senpai " she thought at her mind before she reply

"Totally good , well I wanna tell you that I......." she looked at her phone its run out of battery " o o oops " she sighed went back to Yuuka who sit eating her ice-cream silently
Minutes later with Gouenji

"Oni chan aren't we arrived yet "

"Almost just take this train and we are there "
Gouenji decided to took Yuuka to some kind festival so the have to take the train to get there

" hold on tight ok don't let go of me" he told her since the station a little bit crowded

" hai" she said firmly "

He sighed " But I insist , Yuuka please let me carry you so I'll make sure you won't get lost please " looked at her pleading

"No no Yuuka said no Yuuka is big girl now" she puffed her cheeks

" no your not I still carry you it's normal thing for me "

" so that's why Yuuka wanna you to stop it , please Oni chan drop it please " asked him determinedly
He sighed " ok but hold on tight "

They are walking towards the train and Gouenji tighten his grip while they trying to get through the crowd and get in the train ,"Oni chan" oops Yuuka slipped out and Gouenji felt it instantly and got of the train before it move . He panicked already the what he was afraid of

"Yuuka, YUUKA WHERE ARE YOU YUUKA" he searched through the crowd but useless .......

"ONI CHAN , ONI CHAN , ONI CHAAAAN , w where are you" she start crying and Sobbing

" Sir excuse me have you see a little girl with pigtailed about eight years old, brown hair"

"No son I haven't "

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