Chapter One. The meeting.

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        Hi! I'm Lynx and this is just a fun story with my OCS. A few warnings. This story will include crime, violence, cussing, and death. If any of that trigger you I suggest reading something else. Without further ado, let's start the story!

   "Pierce Shepherd. That's your assignment. Take care and watch over him until his duty is done. Report back to us daily. Don't fail us Ramiel." 

   "Hello?" Ramiel calls into the room, seeing the peacefully sleeping hybrid in the chair. He has golden blonde hair with stubble and scars peppering his face. His fluffy dog-like ears twitched and his swooping tail wagged ever so slightly. His eyes drooped and his square glasses rested on his nose bridge. He looks downright exhausted like he hadn't slept in years, which honestly Ramiel, with his little knowledge of humans, would believe. The man, which Ramiel knows as Pierce, jerks up and stares at the other in surprise. 

 "Who the fuck are you and why the hell do you have wings on your head?!"

   Oh right! The disguise! Ramiel had forgotten to put it on. He had created one since he didn't want to alarm the dog hybrid, who's never seen an angel before. He quickly turns into his now ineffective disguise, making him look more like a cat hybrid. 

   "I don't know who you are but I need you to get the fuck out before I kill you," Pierce demands. 

    "That's sort of extreme-" Ramiel replies, just as Pierce jumps up and grabs him by the neck. 

"I said get the fuck out before I kill you," Pierce says darkly.

 A blush forms on Ramiel's face. Being this close to the hybrid he's assigned to must be the reason. It has to be the reason. Right? Anyways, Ramiel had more important things to worry about, like not getting chopped into little pieces by the man he's supposed to be protecting!

   "I'M YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL! I'VE BEEN SENT TO PROTECT YOU! THAT'S WHY I HAVE THE WINGS AND THE HALO, I PROMISE!" Ramiel blurts out. Pierce looks stunned, then his face turns into one of consideration.

 "Why were you sent to me?" He asks.

 "Something about your job is what I was told. Now please get off of me" Ramiel pleads.

 Pierce sighs, letting go of Ramiel, who takes a good amount of steps back. He breathes, trying to stop his redding face. Pierce looks him over, evaluating him perhaps? 

 "You got anywhere to stay or something?" Pierce asks.

   Ramiel hadn't thought of that. Of course, he was going to need a place to stay. Ramiel's head was racking for ideas, maybe he could find one of those, oh what do the people call it? Hotels! Pierce seemed to realize he had nowhere to go. 

 "Sleep on the couch angel." He says sternly.    

    Ramiel slithers onto the couch as Pierce starts to walk back into a different part of the house. Since angels don't sleep he opted out just to think. He was honestly extremely lucky this man willingly let him stay. He didn't know too much about humans and hybrids, but he did know they are easily frightened. He's really in over his head, isn't he? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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