chapter 12 | Date?

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"The fuck are you doing here, Maria." Merlia gritted out, narrowing her eyes at her. The atmosphere was tense as Maria approached us with a massive smirk.

My shoulders tensed as I took in Merlia's defense stance, looking like she wanted to beat the crap out of Maria. We used to be best friends at one point, constantly spending time together. Since Maria was an Aphelion, that also meant she would be in Italy.

It was odd though, since we hadn't caught eye of her in the crowd during the big lunch when we first arrived.

She's not that remarkable though. Makes sense.

We had always thought we would stay friends forever; unfortunately, that didn't turn out as we had expected.

Maria had slept with Merlias boyfriend at the time, which whom Merlia was deeply in love. She always smiled when she talked about him, which was repeatedly, and she also hung out with him a lot.

Which is why we fucking despise Maria now. She had done it with no remorse, too, sending Merlia a picture of them making out on his phone. When Merlia saw her, she started sobbing into my shirt, heartbroken.

And before this, we hadn't spoken to her since, completely deleting her from our lives. Maria, the backstabber, also decided to start dating Merlia's ex.


That fucking humiliated Merlia, but she didn't pay it any mind, too caught up in modeling to even care. She is so invested in modeling now because it made her forget for just a moment how heartbroken she was.

Maria shrugged her shoulders, her fake blonde hair falling around her face. "I'm staying here for the summer." She said, looking Merlia up and down before rolling her eyes.

Maria looked down at the basket in Merlia's hands, her smile widening, "Awh, is that for me? How sweet." She says.

Merlia shoved the basket behind her, looking down at Maria. Now, this is why I loved being tall, because compared to Merlia and I, Maria was short as fuck. She barely reached our damn shoulders.

"It's not for you, bitch." Merlia sneered, stepping up to Maria. Maria stuttered, taking two steps back before straightening up again. Maria narrowed her eyes on us before flipping her hair back, "Well, if it's not for me, then leave."

"Glady," I muttered, grabbing Merlia's arm before walking back to our bikes.

"What a bitch." Merlia grumbled, biting her bottom lip as she got lost in her thoughts.

This summer just took a turn for the damn worst.

"You're joking." I deadpan, running my hand through my hair as I held the phone close to my ear. Pressing it hard against my ear, just in case I didn't listen carefully. Because there's no way, my mother just said we're going to have lunch with the Eros'?


"Oh, don't act like the world will end." My mom sighs out, no doubt rolling her eyes at my dramatics. I pace back and forth, making Dallia sigh loudly as she read her fifth book of the week.

"But it will, mom, it will." I huff, plopping my tush on the couch next to Dallia before staring up at the ceiling. Asking God why He had done this to me. "Why God?" I muttered, causing Dallia to look at me weirdly.

My mom sighs loudly on the phone, shuffling coming from her end. "I don't give a damn; you AND your brother will be attending because they are OUR guests." She barks out, irritation lacing her voice.

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