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(A few months later and after the wedding.)

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling above me. I shut my eyes in attempt to fall asleep but I just couldn't, I have been up all night.

I groan and look at the digital clock on my bedside table.


Fuck sake.

I turn my head back to the position it was in before, staring at the ceiling once again.

I shut my eyes in a final attempt to go to sleep. Why can't I sleep? I usually have no problem going to sleep. Something just feels so off, like somethings stopping me from it.

Oh my fucking god Maria just go to sleep, I'm being dramatic and overthinking it.

I turn over on my side, maybe it's the way I'm-

A sudden clattering come from downstairs.

What was that?

Why would anyone be up this early? Except the bodyguards, and they hardly move. Maybe one tripped? Diego won't be up, he's usually always asleep by this time.

I pull myself up, carefully reaching into my bedside table and pull my gun from it, switching off the safety guard and quietly standing from my bed.

I tiptoe out of my room and down the stairs towards the noise. The two guards by the doors are still there, standing completely still. I notice them give each other a side look. Why are they looking at each other like that? What do they know that I don't?

Another clatter.

It's coming from Diego's office. And the watchers don't budge. Is Diego still awake?

I slowly creep up to the door and slowly open the door slightly, peering through the crack in the door.

And to my surprise, I don't find an intruder, I find Diego who is indeed still awake, fucking my maid. The maid I had brought with me from my own home to keep me company and be my familiar face.

I stand there in shock, frozen. Definitely not what I was expecting to see.

It took be a few seconds to come around and gather myself.

I want to open the door and start yelling at them, but I won't. I had I better idea. Instead, I wandered into the living room and sat on the sofa. I sat on the closest part to the office as it had a direct view of the office door, when they came out I'll see them and they'll see me. I thought I'd be angrier. Is it bad that I'm not? Suppose I would be if Diego and I actually loved each other. But still, it's the principle. We're married, so it's still cheating.

Soon after, the office door opens and the maid walks through, her hair still slightly tousled and her cheeks still pink, Diego followed after her, still not realising I was here. Until Layla came to a haul looking me in the eye.

"Maria." She blurted. Running her hands over her hair.

"I do say, I never expected that from you Layla." I tilt my head glaring at them, Diegos head shot up at the sound of my voice. Layla stared at me with shock and glint of fear, she knows she's been caught. Diego stood next to her with as close of a blank expression he could muster, but I can see in his eyes he feels just as caught as her.

"It's not what it looks like, I swear!" Layla pleads, clearly a last ditch effort to try and manipulate the situation.

"Really?" I scoff "Well seen as I saw you bent over Diego's desk, I'd say that it's exactly what it looks like." I say as I stand from the sofa, my gun in hand.

"And you Diego," I wave the gun in his direction. "What will your father say when he finds out about this affair?" I smirk, an almost scared look appearing across his face, obviously because he knows his father would be furious with him.

Forced into itHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin