Chapter 3

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Diego has been treating me a lot differently the past few days, but not in a bad way. I've been happier in a way, I don't hate being at home and I get a long with him even though we don't talk much still. But then I remember he cheated on me.

And I know I cheated on him, which I know wasn't exactly the best thing to do. I think of it as payback since he did it first.

Before then I wouldn't even have thought about cheating on him, no matter how much I didn't like him.

I snap my attention back to the tv before looking at Diego briefly, me and him are watching tv in the living room. He on one couch and I'm on the other.

I suddenly have a need to know why he cheated in the first place, and why he never bothered with me.

"Diego?" I began as he looked at me "Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure." He nods.

"Why did you sleep with Layla?" I frown as his face dropped into a guilty expression.

"I don't know." He looks away from me "I guess I was just angry, at my father, at everyone." He glances at me.

That's a great excuse.

"But why cheat?" I pull a face "Why not just- I don't know, hit things, scream, shout?" I say snarkier than intended. "Did you want to hurt me?"

"I don't know, Maria, I wasn't thinking." His answer not making me feel any better. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Go on." I sigh as I look away from him.

"I get why you cheated back on me, but why with Noah of all people?" He furrows his brows slightly.

"I wasn't going to cheat back, but then I thought 'Fuck it, he cheated on me first.' Noah just happened to be there." I respond.

It's not like I'm proud of what I did, I do wish I hadn't done it. But I do think he deserved it.

"And when I saw Noah I thought it was a better way to get back at you." I shrug quietly.

Diego frowned slightly before looking back at the tv.
"I am sorry you know, if I could change what I did I would." He apologises , the guilty look still on his face.

And for some reason it angered me. He treats me like shit for months, fucks my friend. And then apologises for it when he's been caught? He probably would've continued doing it if I hadn't.

"But you can't, you fucked one of my closest friends just because you were 'angry' at everyone." I hiss and  stand up before storming away from him.

I went up to the cinema room to watch a movie, better then sitting in my room.


A few hours have passed and I am still cooped up in my room, refusing to go downstairs. I'm really hungry though.

What time is it anyway?

I grabbed my phone quickly to check the time, 21:08.

"Fuck me." I mutter under my breath and stand up from the seat, contemplating whether or not I should go downstairs or not. I'm just gonna do it.

I walk towards the cinema door and pulled it open. The house was silent, which is weird because there is usually a tv or something playing.

I walked towards the staircase before slowly making my way down the steps and glancing around the room. The only people I can see are the four bodyguards spread across the room.

"Hart, is Diego home?" I ask the bodyguard next to the door, he's one of my favourites. He's really nice.

"No, miss." He shook his head.

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