Prologue (1)

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It's been about a thousand years since the Golden Trio graduated, and they still look as young as they once were. Somehow, Luna and Neville got roped into their lack of aging and have lived as long as them. They're the last magicals to ever exist as the rest across the globe died out. But now the world is dying too, and Luna suggested that they all get their qualifications to go to Pandora.

As she's the flatmate with the innate knowledge of the best Fate, they all did as she said. Both Harry and Ron joined the Space Marines for the Pandora mission. Luna earned degrees in the Na'vi and the many animals of Pandora. Neville stuck strictly to plants but learned the Na'vi language, too, teaching their two Marines so they have an advantage. Hermione, as the book worn she is, used the only time turner left in existence to extend her studies and end up with degrees in everything related to Pandora, even distantly.

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