Is this really happening?

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Samantha Ohansen (often know as Sam) was walking  down the hall, when she felt a slight tap on her shoulder... She turned, to see who it was, and to her surprise it was Melissa, her crush since the 6th grade. Melissa softly whispers, "You're leaking," Sam immediately froze in embarrassment. Melissa, a kind, understanding young woman, took off her sweatshirt and tied it around Sam's waist. Melissa, jokingly commented, "Bad day to wear white pants huh?" Sam, who's cheeks were now almost as red as the stain on the back of her pants, felt tears dripping down her face. Melissa, now feeling terrible herself, put her arm around Sam's shoulder and ushered her to the bathroom. By the time they were both in there, Sam has collected herself and thanked Melissa for letting her know. While pulling a pad out of her bag, she hears Melissa exit the bathroom, and immediately let out a big sigh while she asks herself, "Is this really happening?"

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this part, keep an eye out, I'm not done with the story yet!

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