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The next day, Melissa was lying in bed just thinking, not dreaming, not daydreaming, just thinking. Thinking about how embarrassing it was when she made that comment about Sam's pants. She felt so bad it was almost unbearable. She had always had a crush on Sam but was always to shy to saying anything in fear of being rejected. Melissa new she had to make it up to Sam. She spent all morning brainstorming ideas on how to explain herself. But, then she realized, the best way to explain is to simply tell the truth. So she got dressed, sprayed some dry shampoo in her hair, and mentally prepared herself for rejection.

When she got to school she spotted Sam, who was putting things away in her locker. Melissa started walking towards her through the crowd of students in the hall. But when she got close enough to say "Hi." Sam just seemed to ignore her and walk away. Melissa stopped, "Did I really hurt her that much?" she thought to herself. She shook it off and went on with her day, still, with that confusion in the back of her mind.

At lunchtime, Sam spotted Melissa. Sam, who was still embarrassed from the day before, thought her chances of being friends with her were ruined. (Let alone girlfriends)
Melissa on the other hand, was determined to talk to Sam. So she spent a few minutes gathering up her courage, and then, she went for it. She walked straight up to Sam, gently grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her aside. Melissa looked at Sam, and sam looked Melissa... Finally, Melissa said "I have something I need to tell you," Sam nodded, "Me too," she answered.

Part three coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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