-"SUBJECT 669"-

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"Hi! my name is subject 669!!" the pumpkin shouted with joy.

Subject 669 had a pumpkin mask with a huge crack on the right side of it. Some kind of syringe was planted onto their head too. Their left eye was white and had a little ! mark on it, and the other was a red spiral. He also had 4 tentacles!

"Are you ok?! are you trapped here?? what's going on!" Asked Skid.

"Oh silly, we're not trapped! i was donated here too!! not sure why.." Answered 669.

"Well, do you have any other names? calling you "669" is a bit weird.." Skid asked with a rather weird face.

"No, just 669." Exclaimed the pumpkin

Well, Who's the others?

Oh, their the other subjects! most of them are shy and mean.. but i do have some friends in this place let's take one for example. Subject 21!

Subject 21 is a little fluffy fish. they had their own kiddie pool and they were genuinely nice!

"Hello!!" They said in a little voice.

"Hi! Nice to meet you all."

Hey! I never got your name. What's yours?

The names Skid.

Oh, He-

All of a sudden, there were sudden footsteps, and a lot.

"Quick! find somewhere to hide!" subject 669 whispered to Skid.

Skid suddenly found himself scattering for a hiding place. Subject 669 pointed to one of the vending machines and told Skid to hide behind it.

Skid did as 669 said, And loud bang flew the entrance doors open. There was ton of talking, and loud yelling.

"HEY, LET ME GO! I DONT WANNA BE HERE!?!" they sounded like some maniac.

One of the cell doors flew open, and the shouting "person" gets flung inside. "I SWEAR ILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS! ONE DAY ILL KILL YOU ALL!"

The cell door closed shut. who was it? did that "subject" escape? did they want to see their loved one but couldn't? the 3 humans walked back out from another door, then endless screaming.

Skid eventually went out to investigate. yet, it was another pumpkin, but with a weird screen attached to it.

"Oh hey Skid!" said 669. Don't worry! he just wants to... escape from this "hellhole lab". Their Subject name is 34! but their normally called by Ponpu.

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