The Crows! P1

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 Inspired and Based by The story Peter: Always Gets back up.

 Chapter: Nick Spent is Back

 (mostly based on the story as a Whole but this Chapter sparked the idea, and I liked there Character so much, Plus most of the Lines where this story would take inspiration would come along later as I mostly wrote build up but it's whatever lol)

 Written By: flowerpatchparties

 Here on Wattpad...

I haven't read the whole Story, But Credit where Credits do, was Inspired and a Lot of their Story was used in this Chapter, so if you Enjoyed it Please check them out and see for yourself if I'd be a Story your Interested in!

Backstory: Peter life is in for a wild ride when he gets adopted by a Man who doesn't have good intentions for Peter and now Peter has to live a Life in Hydra.

Characters; Peter Parker aka Spiderman (of Course), Mr Johnson (From Flower's Story he also a bit different?) and Nick Spent (which we would typically meet more later tho he there also Flower's)

Warnings: ⚠️

Bit Angsty and could be considered kinda Dark, Hydras involved so Kidnapping. Might be Mention of Deaths because Peter Parker is an Orphan, Some Abuse because the Orphanage and definitely Hydra don't treat him right. (None of these are taken to far tho, so I consider them fine.)


It's been awhile sense I've seen the Sun shine.. okay that was a Little Dark.. ever sense I was Ten the Day my whole Life turned around, the Day my Parents, Mary and Richard Parker died Do to a Murder incident I saw it all.. that's a Tough thing to just Throw in-front of a Kid not that'd I'd be being a Kid Much longer... (anyone getting Batman Vibes?)

The Police came and picked me up, I didn't remember much it was all Tragic and Shocking in my Mind.. the Police tried to Look for any of my Last Living Relatives but there was None... my Aunt May and Uncle Ben died when I was Six so that wasn't an Option

I was Sent to an Orphanage that wasn't very Kind, it was okay though I didn't get Much Food and for my High metabolism that didn't help... oh Did I mention I was Spiderman? Oh yeah, that Crime Fighting Vigilante who Protects innocents from Death and Criminals or Just plain sadness because If anyone were to know about the Dark thoughts that Can Swarm someone's mind it was Peter Parker.

He became Spiderman when he was Thirteen, to Honor his Parents. He had been living at the Orphanage for Three years and was used to getting tossed around from Home to Home nobody seemed to want him... and that Hurt Just a Tad... Like he said before The Orphanage he went to wasn't very kind, though it wasn't the Worst he Barely got any food and yelled at a lot especially when he was late and when you were Spiderman you tended to be late a lot... to say he wasn't the Headmistress of the Orphanage's Favorite would be an Understatement, there was a Rare chance he Got Hurt but when he was Spiderman a Slap to the Face from time to Time couldn't be so Bad?

It hurt a lot, he was supposed to be loved and all he was, was hated but he wasn't gonna let that bring him down! At Least he got some Credit as Spiderman even if he was the Resident Menace 

One Day, The Headmistress came with Good news! She couldn't have been more wrong...

"There's Somebody who wants to adopt you." She Didn't say it with any hint of Excitement, like she should have as the Headmistress of an Orphanage 

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