Cap 2|Jealous Diamond

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After the breakfast, Skeppy went out of the house to buy some snacks, because they where going to see a movie on the night.
When he came back he saw Bad talking with someone on discord and that someone was... Quackity. Skeppy was kinda jealous of Quackity.
*Bad talking with Quackity*
Hey bad, I'm back! - Skeppy
Oh hey Skeppy... - Bad
*Still talking with Quackity*
... - Skeppy
Bad give me attention! - Skeppy
Wait Geppy... - Bad

Skeppy was trying everything to had Bad's attention. Bad was really upset to see that Skeppy was being Salty. Bad doesn't know what to do to calm down Skeppy, but he got a plan.
Hey Skeppy calm down - Bad
Give.Me.Attention! - Skeppy
I will just give me some minutes - Bad

It passed 6 minutes, Skeppy was going insane, he decided to annoy Bad to get his attention
BAD! - Skeppy
what? - Bad
uhmmm... fine. I will give you your attention - Bad
Sorry Quackity, I need to go... - Bad
*ends call*
Bad ended the call, Skeppy was happy because he finally will get Bad's attention.
Ummm...what do you wanna do? - Bad
I don't know, something that is not involved with Quackity - Skeppy
Aww Geppy don't be a jealous muffin - Bad
I'm not jealous! - Skeppy
If you say so - Bad

Bad gave to Skeppy the attention he wanted, they talked for hours about which movie they will watched and other stuff, they where having a good time. The night came and it was... The movie time! The movie was of action, explosions and mystery. It was a great movie. Bad and Skeppy really liked the movie. The movie was called "The wars of mystery".
They decided to sleep really late like 3 am. So they watched more movies. The time passed and the movies ended the two friends were pretty ended. (I'm joking, they where pretty tired). 3 am.. - Bad
I know but this movie is so cool! - Skeppy
*sighs* fine, last movie and we go to sleep - Bad
They watched the movie, the time passed so fast, Bad was getting pretty sleepy. He fell asleep on Skeppy's shoulder, Skeppy saw that Bad fell asleep, so, he carry him at Bad's bed, he turn off the T.V and went to sleep.
*Bad falls asleep*
Omg, he fell asleep? - Skeppy
*sighs* *carry's Bad*
Good night Bad - Skeppy

*Bad falls asleep*Omg, he fell asleep? - Skeppy*sighs* *carry's Bad*Good night Bad - Skeppy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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