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          The woman ran down the empty sidewalk, the only light being the street lamps that were shining brightly. It illuminated a path for her, but at the same time, it exposed her. It exposed her to the horrific creature hunting her down.

          She was painfully aware of it following her, she could hear it. Its four legs were scampering after her as it made terrifying snarl noises. Its mouth was wide open, where razor sharp teeth were displayed. And the light from the street lamps reflected off of its pitch black, shiny skin.

          "Get away from me!" She screamed in terror, looking over her shoulder. She only screamed louder as she saw that the creature was getting closer.

          "Someone help!" The plea that came from her was helpless, she knew that no one would come to save her. No one was around to do so.

          "Spencer! Spencer please, now would be a great time!" Her one friend, she wasn't sure if she could even call him that now, rarely came along, and she doubted he would come along now. So she had to think of a plan, and soon, she couldn't keep running forever.

          He told me I can't die in here. Her mind raced as she remembered what she had been told by the one person that she had spoken to since she got here. I have to survive. I have to.

          Suddenly, a thought struck her head, and she knew she had to try. She dropped onto her knees, clenching her teeth as the cement scraped against her skin.

Like she had hoped, the monster tripped and flew over her, slamming onto the ground and sliding a bit.

She gave a little laugh of hope as she stood again and started running back the way she came.

          Sprinting as fast as her legs could carry her, she rounded the corner and slid to a halt as she saw the post office. The snarling of the creature not far behind her made her jump, and she quickly opened the doors, running inside.

          Just like everywhere else, no one was here. But that didn't matter now. She had to look out for herself, especially if Spencer wasn't going to help. She quickly ran behind the desk where the workers should be, and she hid.

          It didn't take long for the monster to also enter the post office. Its panting was all she could hear as it slowly stalked around the front room.

          She covered her mouth as to keep her breath as quiet as she could, every part of her trembling as she prayed it wouldn't find her.

          The monster then started walking around, the only sound being all four of its legs pattering against the ground.

          The girl closed her eyes tightly for a moment, but not being able to see frightened her, and she opened them again.

          Suddenly, the walking of the monster stopped. She blinked, slowly taking her hands away from her mouth. Then the sound of the door being pushed open was heard, along with it shutting.

          She smiled in relief, tears filling her gaze. Finally, she had lost that horrific thing. She waited a moment before crawling out from underneath the desk. Standing hesitantly, she looked around. No sign of the monster.

          "I did it." She smiled, putting her hands on her chest. Laughing a bit, she walked over to the doors and walked outside. "Spencer, wherever the hell you are, look what I-"

          A distorted laugh was heard beside her and she looked over in fear as the monster stood on two legs and grabbed her arm with one of its clawed hands.

          Screaming, she squirmed and tried to get away, but it was no use. The monster gripped her waist with its other hand and it picked her up with ease. She choked as she was slammed up against the brick wall of the post office.

          The monster took its claw off of her shoulder and moved it back and before she knew it, she was stabbed right in the chest.

          The piercing sharp claws went straight into her, making her wail in pain, her expression twisted with agony. Blood squirted from the wound, the monster opening its wide jaws so it could catch the blood in them.

         After awhile, the pain started to ebb away as she went limp. The corners of her vision started fading to black and she closed her eyes. Suddenly, a whisper rang through her head, and she knew it would be the last words she would ever hear.

"I told you not to die. Now you can't wake up."

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